7th day of may
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) (Subsidiary Legislation) Order, 2002
7th day of may, 2002. schedule, cot. second column pages authorized to be removed (inclusive) 1.4142 45-46 89 1. 3-4, 7-8. 9-10 1-2, 33-34. 101. 102 9-10.20.17-20.18 1-2. 37-38, 39-40. 41-42. 43-44. 45-46, 47-48. 49- 30. 51-52, 37-58, 59-60 1, 71-
The Bauxite and Alumina Industries (Transfer of Property) (Alcan Jamaica Limited) Supplemental Order, 2003
7th day of may, 1980. 2. as of the 7th day of may, 1980, the lands specified in the schedule hereto being lands owned by alcan jamaica limited shall be deemed to have been transferred to and vested in aluminium company of canada limited a company in the
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Petroleum and Oil Fuel) (Landing and Storage) (Fees) Order,2004.
7th day of may, 2004. omar davies minister of finance and planning. printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Standards (Declaration Of Standard Specification) (Spring Units For Mattresses) Notice,2004.
7th day of may, 2004. omer thomas, ph. d. for and behalf of the bureau of standards. printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd.. (government printers}, duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Standards (Declaration Of Standard Specification) (Minimum Requirements For The Manufacture Of Inner Spring Mattresses) Notice,2004.
7th day of may, 2004. omer thomas, ph. d. for and behalf of the bureau of standards. printed by jamaica printing services {1992} ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Approved Hotel Extension ( Holiday Inn Sunspree Resort, Montego Bay) ( Amendment) Order, 2005
7th day of may, 2005. aloun n'dombet assamba minister of industry and tourism. no. 9/903/260 printed by jamaica printing services (18921 ltd {government printers) duke street. kingston, jamaica
The Income Tax (Declaration of Exemption) (Government of Jaamaica Lon of EURO 15, 575,287 from Commerzbank AG, Brussels) ) Order, 2006
7th day of may, 2006. omar davies minister of finance and planning. no. 98c the stamp duty act the stamp duty (government of jamaica loan of euro 15.575.287 from commerzbank ag brussels) (remission) notice, 2006 whereas the government of jamaica propo
The Stamp Duty (Government of Jamaica Loan of EURO 15,575,287 from Commerzbank AG, Brussels) Order, 2006
7th day of may, 2006. omar davies minister of finance and planning. no. 98c the stamp duty act the stamp duty (government of jamaica loan of euro 15.575.287 from commerzbank ag brussels) (remission) notice, 2006 whereas the government of jamaica propo
The Approved Hotel Enterprise (Golden Shore Resort) Order, 2006 der, 2006
7th day of may, 2006. aloun assamba minister of tourism, entertainment and culture. no. 9/903/255 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Approved Hotel Enterprise (Palmyra Resort and Spa) Order, 2006
7th day of may, 2006. aloun assamba minister of tourism, entertainment and culture, no. 9/903/445 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Declaration of Recognized Motion Picture Producer (Frame by Frame Productions Limited) Order, 2007
7th day of may, 2007, unless previously revoked in accordance with the provisions of the act. dated this 29th day of june, 2007. phillip paulwell minister of industry, technology, energy and commerce. printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd.