The Bauxite (Production Levy) Act - Companies and Associations
88/2003] 12 1985 sch. ln. 8b 2002. 12 1985 sch. l.n. 8b 2002 ln. 88-2002. commis- sioner of taxpayer audit and assessment may assess amount of? levy payable. 12/1985 sch. ln. 8b/2002. 12/1985 sch. ln. 88/2002. 12/1985 sch. ln. 8b/2002. ln. 8b/
The Election Petitions Act - Elections
88/2003] cap. 107. acts 6 of 1963, 28 of 1988, 29 of 1997, 29 of 2002. short title. 29/1997 s.2. interpreta- tion. 6/1963 s.2 (sch). 29/2002 s.2. 29/1997 s.3 (a). 29/1997 8.3 (b). who may petitions. 6/1963 8. 2(sch.).
The Laboour Relations and Industrial Disputes Act - Employment
88/2003] 10.01
The National Honours and Awards Act - Culture and Heritage
88/2003] acts 21 of 1969, 27 of 1973, 26 of 2002. short title. interpreta- tion. societies of honour. 26/2002 s. 2(a)i) (ii). 27/1973 s.2(c). 271973 s. 2(d). 26/2002 s.2 (b). constitu- tion of order of national hero.
The National Honours and Awards Act - Culture and Heritage
88/2003] second schedule. regulations. 27/1973 s.3. 26/2002 s. 3(a).
The Unit Trusts Act - Courts and Judiciary
88/2003} 11/2001 sch. 11/2001 sch. 15
The Labour Relations and Industrial Disputes Act
88/2003] 10.01