8th day of november
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) (Establishment of National Export Quota) (Conch, Strombus Gigas) (Amendment) Regulations, 2001Designation of Management Authority) Order, 2000
8th day of november, 2001. horace dalley, minister of land and environment. printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke st.. kgn., jamaica.
The Approved Hotel Extension (Rondel Village Extension) Order, 2002
8th day of november, 2002. 5. the relevant concession period shall be ten years commencing on the 18th. day of november, 2002 and ending on the 17th day of november, 2012. dated this 3rd day of october, 2002. portia simpson-miller, minister of tourism
The Delegation of Functions (Public Service) (Specified Departments) Order, 2002
8th day of november, in the year of our lord, two thousand and two and the fifty-first year of the reign of her majesty queen elizabeth ii. no. c.3987/s7¢ printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke st., kgn., jamaic
The Constables (Special) (Increase In Pension Gratuities) Order, Resolution 2003.
8th day of november, 2003 government business the minister of state (honourable fitz jackson) in the ministry of finance and planning move the constables (special) act the constables (special) (increase in pension gratuities) order, resolution, 20( wher
The Parish Councils (St. Catherine And Westmoreland Parish Councils) (Appointment of Nomination Day) Notice,2004.
8th day of november, 2004, is hereby appointed as nomination day in respect of by-clections to fill the casual vacancies existing in the following divisions: - st. catherine, mount industry westmoreland, bethel town dated this 3rd day of november, 2004,
The Bank of Jamaica ( Dealings In Foreign Currency ) ( Republic Bank Limited) ( Exemption ) ( No.2) Order, 2005
8th day of november, 2005. omar davies minister of finance and planning. printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Prohibition From Landing ( St. Hillaire Fortuna) Order, 2005
8th day of november, 2005. peter phillips minister of national security. ng. 171 the aliens act the prohibition from landing (dorluse miclene) order, 2005 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 6 of the aliens act, and of every o
The Prohibition From Landing ( Wiilliamson Jack) Order, 2005
8th day of november, 2005. peter phillips minister of national security. ng. 171 the aliens act the prohibition from landing (dorluse miclene) order, 2005 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 6 of the aliens act, and of every o
The Prohibition From Landing ( Dorluse Miclene) Order, 2005
8th day of november, 2005. peter phillips minister of national security. ng. 171 the aliens act the prohibition from landing (dorluse miclene) order, 2005 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 6 of the aliens act, and of every o
The Declaration of Recognized Motion Picture Producer (CETV! The Family Network Limited) Order, 2006
8th day of november, 2005, unless previously revoked in accordance with the provisions of the act. dated this 14th day of march, 2006. aloun n?dombet assamba minister of industry and tourism printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd.. (governm
Licence-Vision Emmanuel Apostolic Pentecostal Church Limited
8th day of november, 2006. phillip paulwell minister of industry, technology, energy and commerce. no. 8/8/1467 printed by jamaica printing services (1892) ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping And Tenure Clarification ( Special Provision) ( Orangefield Lamp Project Area 1 ) Order, 2010
8th day of november, 2006, and being part of the land comprised in certificate of title registered at volume 1066 folio 679.