a. b.
The Agricultural Produce Act - Agriculture
a. b. of was licensed to purchase agricultural produce of any of the classds in the first schedule to the above act, in any parish in the island, under and in accordance with the provisions of the above act. this licence expires on the day of 19 ci tne
The Bills of Exchange Act - Consumer Protection
a. b., householder, of in the parish of , in the island of jamaica, at the request of c.d, there being no notary public available, did on the day of 19 - , at » demand payment (or acceptance) of the bill of exchange hereunder written, from ef. to which
The Quit Rents Act - Real Estate
a. b., collector of taxes for the parish of solemnly and sincerely declare that this roll contains a full, just and true statement of all moneys which have been paid to or received by me, or which appear from the accounts, books and records of my office t
The Trustees' (Religious, Educational, etc.) Vesting Act
a. b. of etc., chairman. names and descriptions of all the trustees on the (original constitu- tion or last appointment) of trustees made on the day of 19 . a. b., of etc. c. d., of etc. e. f., of etc. g. h., of etc. names and descriptions of all the t
The Wharfage Act
a. b., wharfinger of do declare that all the accounts of wharfage, storage, weighing, prices, shipping, receival, and delivery of all goods, wares and merchandise, brought to this wharf from the day of to the day of are just and true, and entered to the b
The Employment Agencies Act
a. b. of in the parish of proprietor of an employment agency known as , hereinafter referred to as ?the agency?, and c.d. in the parish of (as surety on behalf of the said a. b.) are jointly and severally bound to the licensing officer under the employm
The Merchandise Marks Act
a. b. (or agent for) bond the merchandise marks act know all men by these presents, that we a.b. and are held and firmly bound unto our sovereign lady elizabeth the second by the grace of god of jamaica and of her other realms and territories queen, he
The Merchandise Marks Act
a. b.,, his executors or administrators, shall well and effectually indemnify, save harmless and keep indemnified her majesty, her heirs and successors, and all her administrators from and against all loss or damage, payment or payments, and all costs and
The Workmen's Compensation Act
a. b. the half-monthly sum of § as compensation for personal injuries caused to the said a.b. on the day of by injury arising out of and in the course of his employment as a workman employed by the said respondent, such half-monthly payment to commence as