act 36 of 1995
The Flood-Water Control Act - Health and Safety
act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.] 15.?(1) whenever the undertakers of a scheme decide that it is necessary or expedient to alter or discontinue the course of any portion of any watercourse in which any works have been executed under this act, the undertakers of
The Irrigation Act - Agriculture
act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.) [deleted by aer 3% of 7993, 3rd sch.) [deleted by act 36 of 1995, rd sch] [deleted by act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.) damage to irrigation works. obstruction or damage. waste or abstraction of water, resale of water without the
The Irrigation Act - Agriculture
act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.] 33. [deleted by act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.] 34. [deleted by act 36 of 1993, 3rd sch.) 35. [deleted by act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.) 36. [deleted by act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.] 37. in any case in which damage is done to any irrigation wo
The Irrigation Act - Agriculture
act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.) part vi. rates and financial provisions 47.?(1) tt shall be lawful for the authority with the ipotiton approval of the minister, by notification in the gazette, to 71999 impose, in respect of all lands and watercourses within a
The Mining Act - Mining
act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.] [deleted by act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.] [deleted by act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.) [deteted by act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.] [deleted by act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch. [deleted by act 36 of i995, 3rd sch.] [deleted by act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.} [d
The Mining Act - Mining
act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.) (f mark out and apply for an exclusive prospecting licence or a mining lease. (2) the holder of a prospecting right shall keep full and accurate records of his prospecting operations and shall render to the commissioner such re
The Mining Act - Mining
act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.] [ deleted by act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.] the right to construct and maintain all such passageways as may be necessary; the right, subject to the directions of the conserva- tor of forests, which directions shall be obtained befor
The Mining Act - Mining
act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch. 48. [deleted by act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.) 49. [deleted by act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.) 50. [deleted by act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.] 51. [deleted by act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.] 52. {deleted by act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.) 53. [deleted by ac
The National Water Commission - Public Utilities
act 36 of 1995, 3rd sch.] 30. all questions arising under this act between the commission and the kingston and st. andrew corporation shall, in the case of dispute, be referred to the minister whose decisions shall be final. [the inclusion of this pa
The Petroleum Act
act 36 of 1995, sch. [deleted by act 36 of 1995, sch.) [deleted by act 36 of 1995, sch. {deleted by act 36 of 1995, sch.) regulations. offences. seizure of petroleum prior to conviction. additional penalties. extension of laws of jamaica to certai