The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
actaceae first schedule, contd. lampsilis virescens plethobasus cicatricosus plethobasus cooperianus pleurobema plenum potamilus capax quadrula intermedia quadrula sparsa toxolasma cylinderalla unio nickliniana unio tampicoensis tecomatensis villosa tra
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
actaceae, contd. compositae (asteraceae) cupressaceae cycadaceae euphorbiaceae first schedule, contd. plants obregonia denegrii pachycereus militaris pediocactus bradyi pediocactus knowltonii pediocactus paradinei pediocactus peeblesianus pediocactu
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
actaceae cactaceae spp. #4 cacti (except the species included in appendix i and except pereskia spp. pereskiopsis spp. and quiabentia spp.) caryocaraceae caryocar costaricense #1 ajo crassulaceae dudleya stolonifera dudleyas dudleya traskiae cyatheaceae
The Food and Drugs ( Amendment) Regulation, 2010
actate pargyline and its salts paroxetine pecazine pemoline and its salts penciclovir penicillamine pentaerythrtol and its salts pentazocine and its salts pentetrazol pentifylline pentolintum pentoxifylline pentoxyverine hydrochloride pericyazine and its
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping And Tenure Clarification ( Special Provision) ( Section 5- Part of Great Cashoo Called Heathfield, Saint Elizabeth ) Order, 2011
actand the town and country planning act shall not apply in relation to any transfer or registration of any portion of the land described in part i of the first schedule. - 3. any transfer or registration of any portion of the land described in part i of
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) (Amendment of Fourth Schedule) Order, 2015
actaceas cactus family mammillaria jamaicensis opuntia jamaicensis opuntia sanguinea opuntia tuna caesalpiniaceae bean family senna mexicana var. berterianana cassia clarendonensis campanulaceae bellflower family lobelia caledoniana lobelia harrisii
The Endangered Species (Protection, etc. Act - Environment
actaceae, contd. compositae (asteraceae) cupressaceae cycadaceae euphorbiaceae regulation of trade). first schedule, contd. plants discocactus spp. echinocereus ferreirianus ssp. lindsayi echinocereus schmollii escobaria minima escobaria sneedii mam
The Endangered Species (Protection, etc. Act - Environment
actaceae spp.? #4 (except the species included in the first schedule) caryocar costaricense #1 dudleya. stolonifera dudleya traskiae cyathea spp. #1 cycadaceae spp. #1 shortia galacifolia # 1 cibotium barometz #1 dicksonia spp. #1 (only the populati
The Endangered Species (Protection, etc. Act - Environment
actaceae mammillaria jamaicersis opuntia jamaicensis opuntia sanguinea opuntia tuna caesalpiniaceae senna mexicana var. berterianana cassia clarendonensis campanulaceae lobelia caledoniana lobelia harrisii lobelia alticaulis canellaceae cinnamodendron
The Motor Vehicles Insurance (Third-Party Risks) Act - Transport
acta security mitst? "{a) "be given by an insurer; and ce . i ce i! .(b) consist of an undegtaking by the insurer to make good, subject to any conditions. specified therein, and up to the amount, in the case of ap. undertaking [the inclusion of thi