The Fair Competition (Notices and Procedures) Regulations, 2000
ading commission soong g 6 py sns gan eee ee nees was hae 0 en ae se seis ean sane nnabsabiese sees ise (address of witness) take notice that you are hereby required to appear before the commission for examination pursuant to section 6 of the fair comp
The Fair Competition (Notices and Procedures) Regulations, 2000
ading commission be eee eee eases eee asses ett alles aaa saatb attest ettataan (address of witness) take notice that you are hereby required to appear before the commission for examination pursuant to section 7(1)(a) of the fair competition act. the
The Fair Competition (Notices and Procedures) Regulations, 2000
ading commission bee eee eee e eee eee eee eee eee eee eee ti e ee eee eee eet rtpi ree es rrr rsp eee as eee e ee ea ease eae ease esse tales etal ans et sabe aaaantb ett arerr terre rrs e ee (address) take notice that pursuant to section 7(1)(b) of
The Fair Competition (Notices and Procedures) Regulations, 2000
ading commission. chairman, fair trading commission. dated the 11th day of september, 2000. chairman, fair trading commission. approved: prirrre paulwell, minister of industry, commerce and technology. no. 17/12/05, 17/12/09 printer by jamaica pri
The Provision collection of Tax ( General Consumption Tax) ( No. 7) Order,2009
adings nos. 3101.00-3105.00 namely, fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, plant growth regulators, nematicides, rodenticides, veterinary preparations and molluscides. 9. insecticides of tariff heading no. 38.08.?. amendment to the third schedule prov
The Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (Amendment of Schedule) Order, 2001
adines; the government of trinidad and tobago; the university of guyana; the caribbean development bank; the executive director ex-officio; the chairman; the university of the west indies; the caribbean food corporation.?. roger clarke, minister of
The General Consumption Tax (Amendment of Schedule) Order, 2001
ading nos. of the first schedule to the customs tariff (revision) resolution, 1972 specified hereunder? chapter and tariff heading no. ex. chapters 84 and 85 84.71 8473.30 8524.993 8524.994 description of goods compact discs and other devices which
The Provisional Collection of Tax (General Consumption Tax) Order, 2001
ading nos. of the customs tariff (revision) resolution, 1972, specified hereunder? tariff heading no. description of goods 84.71 automatic data processing machines and units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines for transcribing data onto data
The Housing Scheme part of Spot Valley in the parish of St. James (Housing Area) Order, 2002
ading to montego bay/falmouth main road and thence in a westerly direction for approxi- mately 188 metres butting to the north the lands belonging to septimus jurdine. then in a southerly direction for approximately 540 metres butting to the west lands kn
The Customs (Suspension of Operation of Schedule) (Used Motor Vehicles and Heavy Self-Propelled Equipment) Order, 2002Determination of Value Based on Computed Value) Order, 2002
ading numbers are the tariff heading numbers listed in the customs tariff (revision) resolution, 1972 and the general provisions thereto, so far as they are applicable to the schedule to this order.
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
adinei pediocactus peeblesianus pediocactus sileri pelecyphora spp. sclerocactus brevihamatus ssp. tobuschii sclerocactus erectocentrus sclerocactus glaucus sclerocactus mariposensis sclerocactus mesae-verdae sclerocactus nyensis sclerocactus papyracanthu
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
adina fasciata amandava subflava estrilda astrild estrilda caerulescens estrilda melpoda estrilda troglodytes lagonosticta rara lagonosticta rubricata ghana ghana ghana ghana colombia argentina argentina argentina argentina colombia colombia maurit
The Customs (Prescribed Forms) (Amendment) Order. 2004.
ading/air waybtil number/document no____ wlist all items in this consignment below currency total price type (in currency paid) it1:m quantity | description of goods classification # 1 understand that failure to make a full declaration is an
The Provisional Collection Of Tax (General Consumption Tax) Order,2004.
ading nos. 8419.191 and 8419.192 of the first schedule to the customs tariff (revision) resolution, 1972. 48. photosensitive semiconductor devices, including photovoltaic cells whether or not assembled in modules or made up into pancls specified under ta
Corrigendum-Customs Tariff (Revision0
ading no 1901.20.10 insert under the column headed ?rate of duty? the number and symbol 15%. in respect of headings nos. 3401.111, 3401.112, 3401.119 and 3401.209 insert under the column headed ?rate of duty? the number and symbol 40%. in respect of hea