administrative centre
The Justice Protection Act
administrative centre functions of administrative centre. cases to-be considered for protection. disclosure of certain information to administrative centre. conditions for inclusion of prospective participant in programme. the commissioner of police ?fu
The Justice Protection Act
administrative centre a, 0) subject to this act, the administrative centre shall develop, manage and maintain the justice protection programme and shall be responsible for deciding whether a prospective participant is to be afforded protection or assista
The Justice Protection Act
administrative centres of other contracting parties; and - : ~ (ii) relevant authorities of other countries; determine the participants in the justice protection programme; determine after consultation with the commissioner of police and the director o
The Justice Protection Act
administrative centre shall not include a prospective for inclu- - sion of participant in the programme unless? | participant (a) subject to section 9, he applies in the prescribed form inpro- to be included; gramme. ® the centre is satisfied that? (m)
The Justice Protection Act
administrative centre shall prepare an agree- second ment 1t containing the matters set out in the second schedule. schedule. @ the administrative centre may, where it considers necessary in a particular case, include any other matter in _ an agreement
The Justice Protection Act
administrative centre. (2) notwithstanding subsection (1), the participant shall in any proceedings, be entitled to claim that his new identity is his only identity. (3) in this section ?participant? includes a person who is no longer participating in
The Justice Protection Act
administrative centre may, if it considers it appropriate to do so, take such action as is necessary to restore the former participant? s former identity. (2) the centre shall take reasonable steps to notify the former participant of its decision under s
The Justice Protection Act
administrative centre that a participant who has been provided with a new identity or has been relocated, is under investigation for, or has been arrested or charged with an offence specified in subsection (2), the centre may? (a) provide the appropriate
The Justice Protection Act
administrative centre who is or has been involved in the pro- gramme; (d) the fact that he has signed an agreement; or ?(e) any details of an agreement signed by him. (3) a person commits an offence if? (a) he offers a bribe or other inducement to any p
The Justice Protection Act
administrative centre, to ?undergo? (a) medical tests or examinations and psychological or psychiatric evaluation by medical officers approved by the centre for those purposes; (b) drug or alcohol counselling or treatment, and authorize the results to b