administrative council
The Investment Disputes Awards (Enforcement) Act
administrative council adopted by a majority of two-thirds of its members, article 3 the centre shall have an administrative council and a secretariat and shall maintain a panel of conciliators and a panel of arbitrators. section 2 the administrative
The Investment Disputes Awards (Enforcement) Act
administrative council shall? {@) adopt the administrative and financial regulations of the centre; (by adopt the rules of procedure for the institution of concilia- tion and arbitration proceedings; (c) adopt the rules of procedure for conciliation an
The Investment Disputes Awards (Enforcement) Act
administrative council and the chairman shall serve without remuneration from the centre. stction 3 the secretariat article 9 the secretariat shall consist of a secretary-general, one or more deputy secretaries-general and staff. article 10 (1) the s
The Investment Disputes Awards (Enforcement) Act
administrative council. section 6 status, immunities and frivileges article 18 the centre shall have full international legal personality. the legal capacity of the centre shall include the capacity? {a} to contract; (5) to acquire and dispose of mova
The Investment Disputes Awards (Enforcement) Act
administrative council, or on or in respect of salaries, expense allowances or other emoluments paid by the centre to officials or employees of the secretariat. (3) no tax shall be levied on or in respect of fees or expense allow- ances received by perso
The Investment Disputes Awards (Enforcement) Act
administrative council. article 60 (1) each commission and each tribunal shall determine the fees and expenses of its members within limits established from time to time by the administrative council and after consultation with the secretary- general.
The Investment Disputes Awards (Enforcement) Act
administrative council at which such amendment is to be considered and shall forthwith be transmitted by him to all the members of the administrative council. article 66 (1) if the administrative council shall so decide by a majority of two-thirds of it