The Coroners Act - Courts and Judiciary
admissibi- lity of written statement at inquest. 6/2005 s. 15. 2/2009 s.9. 212009 s.9. knowing that, if it were admitted in evidence, he would be liable to prosecution if he wilfully stated in it anything which he knew to be false or did not believe t
The Coroners Act - Courts and Judiciary
admissibi- lity of computer evidence constituting hearsay. 6/2005 s. 15.
The Coroners Act - Courts and Judiciary
admissibi- lity of computer evidence not constituting hearsay. 6/2005 s. 15. inquisition not to be quashed for defects. power to amend and procedure thereon. respite of recogni- zances on postpone-. ment of trial. 2/2009 s.9. |the inclusion of thi
The Coroners Act - Courts and Judiciary
admissibi- lity of written statement at inquest. 6/2005 8. 15.
The Coroners Act - Courts and Judiciary
admissibi- lity of computer evidence constituting hearsay. 6/2005 s. 15.
The Coroners Act - Courts and Judiciary
admissibi- lity of computer evidence not constituting hearsay. 6/2005 s$. 15. inquisition not to be quashed for defects. power to amend and procedure - thereon. respite of recogni- zances on postpone- ment of trial.
The Evidence Act - Courts and Judiciary
admissibility of various documents and copies official or public documents, ere. _ judicial notice to be taken of signature of judges of superior courts. private laws and acts and minutes of legislature. . acts of state, etc. registers of ships. . c