The Civil Aviation (Air Navigation) Regulations, 1995 The Civil Aviation (Importation of Aeronautical Products) Directives, 2001
aeronautical products) directives, 2001 in exercise of the power delegated to the director-general of civil aviation by the minister pursuant to the civil aviation (delegation of functions) (no. 2) order, 1995, the following directives are hereby issued
The Airports Authority (Landing and Passenger Service Fees) Regulations, 2002
aeroplane international domestic intemational domestic (kg) arrivals arrivals arrivals arrivals all arrivals 1. 2.500 and under 21.95 (flat rate) 6.71 (flat rate) 14.10 (flat rate) 6.60 (flat rate) 3.00 (flat rate) 2. over 2.500 and under 5.7
The Civil (Importation of Aeronautical Products) Directives, 2002
aeronautical product, other than an aircraft, unless that person complies with the requirements of fsn-ac02-06 ? importation of aeronautical products. 4. no person shall import an aeronautical product unless such product is accom- panied by appropriate d
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
aerulescens estrilda melpoda estrilda troglodytes lagonosticta rara lagonosticta rubricata ghana ghana ghana ghana colombia argentina argentina argentina argentina colombia colombia mauritius mauritius ghana ghana ghana ghana ghana ghana ghana gha
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
aerangis ellisii dendrobium cruentum laelia jongheana laelia lobata paphiopedilum spp. peristeria elata phragmipedium spp. renanthera imschootiana chrysalidocarpus decipiens abies guatemalensis podocarpus parlatorei baimea stormiae sarracenia oreophila
The Civil Aviation ( Amendment) Regulation, 2011
aerodromes column column ii item document or action fee (us$) 1 issue or renewal of an aerodrome certificate for? (a international airport; 2,000.00 (b) domestic public aerodrome. 1,000.00 2 registration of an aerodrome. 250.00 3 amend an aerodrome certif
The Civil Aviation ( Amendment) Regulation, 2011
aerial work certificate. 0.00 . 5 renewal of aerial work certificate. 0.00 6 authorization to deviate from policies and : procedures contained in mcm. 100.00 ) 7 issue a foreign air operator certificate initial (not including administrative or inspectora