alen governor-general
9 of 2021 - The-Justices-of-the-Peace (Amendment) Act
alen governor-general. kh day yr ma, 024 j © d an act to amend the justices of the peace act and for connected matters. [22 may 2057 beit enacted by the queen?s most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the senate and house of repr
12 of 2021- The Agro-Investment Corporation (Amendment) Act
alen governor-general, 30" day of tune 20a, an act to amend the agro-investment corporation act; to entrust the functions of the agricultural marketing corporation to the agro-investment corporation; to repeal the agricultural marketing corporation act
5 of 2016 - The Local Government (Unified Service and Employment) Act
alen governor-general. [5 atay of jelraany role an act to provide a comprehensive framework for the employment, management and regulation of personnel employed by local government authorities; and for connected matters. [ the date notified by the m