all-island association
The Sugar Cane Farmers (Incorporation and Cess) Act
all-island association? means the all-island jamaica cane farmers association; ?committee? means the committee of management of the all- island association. 3. the committee may grant approval for the formation of branch associations in pursuance of it
The Sugar Cane Farmers (Incorporation and Cess) Act
all-island association; (0) to pass on to its members information and notices from the all-island association either by means of meetings of the branch association or by posting such information or notices in places frequented by mem- bers of the branch
The Sugar Cane Farmers (Incorporation and Cess) Act
all-island association at least seven days before the date fixed for such general meeting. 10. no business other than that specified in the notice of a special general meeting may be transacted at any such meeting. 11. a general meeting may be adjourned
The Sugar Cane Farmers (Incorporation and Cess) Act
all-island association shall issue a notice in the press and send a copy thereof to the chairman and secretary of each branch association in the parish to which such vacancy relates; (ij) every notice issued under this rule shall be headed ?notice of ele
The Sugar Cane Farmers (Incorporation and Cess) Act
all-island association in that behalf, and such officer shall call the meeting to order for the purpose of electing a chairman to preside over the said meeting. (6) the officer of the all-island association on calling the special parish nieeting to order
The Sugar Cane Farmers (Incorporation and Cess) Act
all-island association shall be available for inspection at a special parish meeting and the officer of the all-island association shall cause such nomination to be produced for inspection on the request of any member attending such meeting. (10) visitor
The Sugar Cane Farmers (Incorporation and Cess) Act
all-island association who is present at a special parish meeting held for the purpose of filling any vacancy on the committee shall notify the committee of the name and address of any person elected to serve on the committee, and every such notification
The Sugar Cane Farmers (Incorporation and Cess) Act
all-island association for the parish of...................coiii .....at leena te etree eats ha earth rae ease anus b res (here insert place of the meeting) for the purpose of electing a member/ members to fill the said vacancies. and take notice that t