The Access To Information ( Appeal Tribunal) Rules, 2005
appellant's behalf) ............coweeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeereernnnn. i request an early hearing: [] yes [] no if yes, state reasons for request: eee hhh eee eee ee eee eee a eee eee rae ene e eee rare e eee e aerate ray set out any specific power which the
The Access To Information ( Appeal Tribunal) Rules, 2005
appellant saxinted ss 4 rss a eo as sasso tacey defendant (insert name of public authority) to cowonsvunsismamsmsns snes we sis se ahora os err ss hpn ot sei a seat eaves (insert name and address of person) we command you to attend before the appeal tr
The Revenue Appeals Division (Prescribed Forms) Regulations, 2015
appellant's details taxpayer registration no. (irn) er see name of company or organisation [ contact name i yo oo tt ] first name gf tapayer is an ) ) individual) surname (if taxpayer is an individual) ns ] address (apt. nu. street no. and name, post
The Revenue Appeals Division (Prescribed Forms) Regulations, 2015
appellants) [ | respondent the abovementioned appellant(s) hereby withdraw(s) the appeal against the decision of the respondent dated ___inrespect of tax type being appealed o assets tax do bauxite production levy |
The Revenue Appeals Division (Prescribed Forms) Regulations, 2015
appellant who withdraws an appeal must file a notice of withdrawal of appeal with the commissioner of revenue appeals pursuant to rule 17(1) of the revenue appeals division rules, 2015. the effect of withdrawing once withdrawn the matter is final and n
The Financial Services Commission ( Appeal Tribunal ) Rules, 2017
appellant copies of appellants record to be filed. contents of appellant?s record. written submissions by the appellant. records of the commission copies of commission?s record to be filed. contents of commission?s record. written submissions by the co
The Financial Services Commission ( Appeal Tribunal ) Rules, 2017
appellant a written statement of the reasons for the decision in respect of which the appeal is made and the reasons, if any, for controverting the contents of any documents served by the appellant. record of the appellant copies of 22. the appellant shal
The Financial Services Commission ( Appeal Tribunal ) Rules, 2017
appellant shail file dopuments with the appeal tribunal, four sets of all documents relevant to the appeal, appeal. duly indexed, at least seven days before the date of hearing. co-opting 42, the appeal tribunal may co-opt to a panel such persons as, in
The Industrial and Provident Societies Act - Companies and Associations
appellant; (b) be dated and signed by the members; and (¢) state the amount of the costs and expenses of the appeal, if any, and by which party or parties to the dispute the same are to be paid. _ (4) upon the completion of the proceedings, the tribunal
The Justices of the Peace (Appeals) Act - Courts and Judiciary
appellant declared satisfaction. limitation of imprisonment of surety. proceedings upon reversal of judgment. dismissal of appeal. punishment for contempt punishment for contempt. [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 480/19731
The Justices of the Peace (Appeals) Act - Courts and Judiciary
appellant be in into: custody, he shall be liberated until the judgment of the circuit court or judge shall be given, or unless cr until the appeal shall be withdrawn or not proceeded with by the appellant, on production of a certificate from the clerk of
25_2010- The Industrial and Provident Societies (Amendment) Act
appellant; (b) be dated and signed by the members; and (c} state the amount of the costs and expenses of the appeal, if any, and by which party or parties to the dispute the same are to be paid. (4) upon the completion of the proceedings, the tribunal s
The Access to Information Act
appellant, while an appeal is pending may, at any time, withdraw jour! the appeal by forwarding to the appeal tribunal a notice of withdrawal signed by the appellant and the appeal tribunal shall forthwith inform every other party of the withdrawat.
The Access to Information Act
appellant (insert name of appellant) and ..iaiititne rere tates rare ease eben aaa as ae nen rane dears defendant (insert name of public authority) to the appeal tribunal: takenoticehat «o.oo irre errr occupation, address) appeals against the decision o