applied scientific research
The Dangerous Drugs ( Cultivation of Ganja For Scientific Research Purposes) ( Bio-Tech R & D Institute) Order, 2016
applied scientific research, on the lands specified in part 1 of the schedule subject to the terms and conditions specified in part 2 of the schedule hereto.
The Dangerous Drugs ( Cultivation of Ganja For Scientific Research Purposes) ( Bio-Tech R & D Institute) Order, 2016
applied scientific research as aforesaid. schedule (paragraph 2) part 1 description of land i. bio-tech may cause ganja to be cultivated on lands leased to mr. paul watson located at joppa road, mount airy, st. andrew (volume 976 folio 347). the registe
The Dangerous Drugs ( Cultivation of Ganja For Scientific Research Purposes) ( University of Technology) Order, 2017
applied scientific research, on the lands specified in the schedule. 3. third-party cultivators mr. paul watson and mr. paul anthony hutton are hereby authorized to cultivate ganja, on the lands specified in the schedule hereto, on instruction from bio-t