april, 1983
The Rent Restriction Act - Real Estate
april, 1983, the standard rent shall be the rent, if any, at which they were let at the date aforesaid. (2) the determination by an assessment officer, pur- suant to section 19 of the standard rent of any premises to which this act applies? (a) being a
The Rent Restriction Act - Real Estate
april, 1983, subject to a fips contract of tenancy shall, within such time as the minister standard may specify by order published in the gazerte, apply to the 2 583 assessment officer in the prescribed form for a determina- >'* tion of the standard rent
20 of 2014 - The Power of Faith (Incorporation and Vesting) Act
april, 1983 at tent revival in the waterford community of portmore in the parish of saint catherine, certain ministers of the gospel did agree to act in the society for propagating the gospel: and whereas onthe 17th september, 1986 an organization which
The Rent Restriction Act
april, 1983.) | \ a5 1. this order may be cited as the rent restriction (public and commercial buildings-exemption) order, 1983. 2. any public or commercial building which an assessment officer certifies would have been of such a valuation at the 31st da
The Rent Restriction Act
april, 1983 and all applications made to a community rent tribunal before the 31st day of decem- ber, 1981 shall, where relevant, be deemed to be applications made pursuant to section 18 of the act on the 5th day of april, 1983; (b) where no application