april 9,2015
The Natural Resources (Prescribed Areas) (Prohibition of Categories of Enterprise, Construction and Development) (Amendment) Order, 2015
april 9,2015 10. column a categories of enterprises construction, development construction of new arterial roads. major road improvement projects including re-alignment, widening { into 4 or more lanes; drainage, and slope stabilization. co
The Natural Resources (Prescribed Areas) (Prohibition of Categories of Enterprise, Construction and Development) (Amendment) Order, 2015
april 9,2015 15. 16. 17. 18. column a categories of enterprises construction, development mining and quarrying mining and quarrying (terrestrial, riverine and marine) of bauxite, peat, sand, minerals? including aggregate, construction and
The Natural Resources Conservation (Permits and Licences) (Amendment) Regulations
april 9,2015 3. the principal regulations are amended by inserting next after regulation 7 the following as regulations 7a, 7b, 7c and 7d? ?duration of 7a. unless earlier suspended or revoked, a permit granted under permit. regulation 3 shall be
The Natural Resources Conservation (Permits and Licences) (Amendment) Regulations
april 9,2015 5. the principal regulations are amended in the first schedule by deleting form 1 and substituting therefor the following as form 1? ce first schedule (regulations 3, 4, 5, 6, 7b, 8,10, 16,17, 19 and 20) form 1 (regulation 3) the na
The Natural Resources Conservation (Permits and Licences) (Amendment) Regulations
april 9,2015 234k 1) second schedule, contd. construction and operation of hospital of 10 beds or $85,000 $115,000 $40,000 nil more or medical facilities of 1,000 square meters or greater construction and operation