The Post Office (Postal Charges) (Amendment) Order, 2001
argentina 40.00 24.00 40.00 30.00 aruba 40.00 24.00 40.00 30.00 ascension 60.00 24.00 40.00 40.00 australia (incldg. cocos islands and lord howe islands) 60.00 24.00 40.00 40.00 austria 45.00 24.00 40.00 30.00 azores 45.00 24.00 40.00 30.00 bahamas 40.00
The Post Office (Postal Charges) (Amendment) Order, 2001
argentina 410.00 540.00 675.00 925.00 no service aruba 170.00 350.00 540.00 975.00 210.00 70.00 ascension 280.00 395.00] 510.00 740.00 no service australia (including cocus islands and 290.00 | 455.00] 560.00] 755.00 420.00 140.00 lord howe islands) austr
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Inter-American Investment Corporation) Order,2003.
argentina 2,327 11.636 brazil 2,327 11.636 mexico 1498 7.490° venezuela 1,248 6.238* subtotal 7.400 37.000 chile 690 345 colombia 690 345 peru 420 2.10 subtotal 1,800 9.00 bahamas 43 0215 barbados 30 0.150 bolivia 187 0.935 costa rica xh 0470 dominican re
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Inter-American Investment Corporation) Order,2003.
argentina and brazil stated that their participation in the capital of the corporation should not only match their shares in the capital of the bank, but also maintain their relative shares in the total amount contributed by the regional developing countr
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
argentina, the population of the provinces of jujuy and catamarca and the semi- captive populations of the provinces of jujuy, salta, catamarca, la rioja and san juan; bolivia the whole population; chile population of the primera region; and peru the whol
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
argentina, which is included in the second schedule) melanosuchus niger (except the population of ecuador, which is included in the second schedule and is subject to a zero annual export quota until an annual export quota has been approved by the cites
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
argentina? the provinces of jujuy and catamarca and the semi- captive populations of the provinces of jujuy, salta, catamarca, la rioja and san juan; bolivia? the whole population; chile?
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
argentina (listed in second schedule): for the exclusive purpose of allowing international trade in wool sheared from live vicunas of the populations included in the second schedule, in cloth, and in derived manufactured products and other handicraft art
The Income Tax ( Declaration of Exemption) ( Government of Jamaica US$300,000,000 9% Notes Due 2015) Order, 2005
argentina, austria, barbados, belgium, bermuda, brazil, cayman islands, chile, costa rica, denmark, france, israel, italy, singapore, spain, switzerland, trinidad and tobago and the united kingdom.
The Loans ( Canada, United States of America and Other Specified Countries) ( Government of Jamaica US$300,000,000 9% Notes Due 2015) Declaration Order, 2005
argentina, austria, barbados, belgium, bermuda, brazil, cayman islands, chile, costa rica, denmark, france, israel, italy, singapore, spain, switzerland, trinidad and tobago and the united kingdom.
The Loan (US$150,000,000 Government of Jamaica 8.00% Amortizing Notes Due 2039) Directions, 2007
argentina, jamaica, greece, spain and ireland, and this direction shall take effect and come into operation as law on the date hereof. dated the 11th day of october, 2007. audley shaw minister of finance and the public service. no. 2148° the loans (ca
The Loans (Canada, United States of America and other Specified Countries) (US$150,000,000 Government of Jamaica 8.00% Amortizing Notes Due 2039) Declaration Order, 2007
argentina, jamaica, greece, spain and ireland, and this direction shall take effect and come into operation as law on the date hereof. dated the 11th day of october, 2007. audley shaw minister of finance and the public service. no. 2148° the loans (can
The Transfer Tax (US$150,000,000 Government of Jamaica 8.00% Amortizing Notes Due 2039) (Remission) Notice, 2007
argentina, jamaica, greece, spain and ireland, and this direction shall take effect and come into operation as law on the date hereof. dated the 11th day of october, 2007. audley shaw minister of finance and the public service. no. 2148° the loans (ca
The Loans (Canada, United States of America and other Specified Countries) (US$150,000,000 Government of Jamaica 8.00% Amortizing Notes Due 2039) Directions, 2007
argentina, jamaica, greece, spain and ireland, and this direction shall take effect and come into operation as law on the date hereof. dated the 11th day of october, 2007. audley shaw minister of finance and the public service. no. 2148° the loans (ca