The Housing Scheme part of Norwood, St. James (Housing Area) Order, 2000
ator er al and registered at volume 1247 folio 522 of the registered book of titles, lands in the possession of shirley kellier and registered at volume 1247 folio 521 of the registered book of titles, lands in the possession of marcia spence et al and re
The Housing Scheme part of Grotto, Rosetta Cottage and part of Doncaster, Westmoreland (Housing Area) Order, 2000
aton, lloyd barrett, simeon buchanan, j. e. watson, r. watson and albert williams. on the south the property is bounded by land owned by the westmoreland parish council. on the west the property is bounded by land owned by guy ottey, astley hendricks, r
The Deportation (Jean Pierrs) Order, 2000
atore) order, 2000 whereas the resident magistrate in the resident magistrate?s court for the parish of saint james has certified to the minister that the alien brune salvatore has been convicted by that court of an offence under this act. now, therefor
The Deportation (Brune Salvatore) Order, 2000
atore) order, 2000 whereas the resident magistrate in the resident magistrate?s court for the parish of saint james has certified to the minister that the alien brune salvatore has been convicted by that court of an offence under this act. now, therefor
The Deportation (Richard Winslow) Order, 2000
atore) order, 2000 whereas the resident magistrate in the resident magistrate?s court for the parish of saint james has certified to the minister that the alien brune salvatore has been convicted by that court of an offence under this act. now, therefor
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) (Subsidiary Legislation) Order, 2001
ator-general airports authority anima! (diseases and and importation) banana insurance beach control black river (upper morass) reclamation broadcasting and radio re-diffusion coconut insurance constitution of jamaica corrections customs schedule
The Post Office (Postal Charges) (Amendment) Order, 2001
atorial guinea no service eritrea 360.00 500.00 650.00] 940.00 280.00 95.00 ethiopia 360.00 500.00 | 650.00( 940.00 280.00 95.00 falkland islands and falkland dependencies {| 340.00 | 470.00 605.00 875.00 no service faroe islands 340.00 465.00] 600.00 850
The Administrator-General's (Fees) )Amendment) Regulations, 2001
ator-general's act the administrator-general's (fees) (amendment) regulations, 2001 in exercise of the power conferred on the minister by section 60 of the administrator-general's act, the following regulations are hereby made: ? 1. these regulations ma
The Road Traffic (Amendment) Regulations, 2001
atory's title) date: 53. 1/we declare that i/we am/are the registered owner(s) of the vehicle described above and that the information given in this form is to the best of my/our knowledge and belief a true and correct statement. owner's signature: