The Legal Profession (Enrolment and Practising Certificate Fees) (Amendment) Rules, 2002
attorneys-at-law of two years? standing but less than five years? standing $3,000.00 (3) attorneys-at-law of five years' standing but less than ten years' standing, reckoned in the case of those who were formerly barristers or solicitors from the date of
The Legal Profession (Enrolment And Practising Certificate Fees) (Amendment) Rules 2004
attorneys-at-law of less than two years? standing attorneys-at-law of two years? standing but less than five years? standing attorneys-at-law of five years standing but less than ten years? standing, reckoned in the case of those who were formerly barri
The Civil Procedure (Making of Amendment Rules) Notice, 2006
attorney-at-law. l1oyd barnett oj, attorney-at-law. norma linton, q.c. attorney-at-law. charles piper, attorney-at-law, jacqueline samuels-brown, attorney-at-law. no. 160 the judicature (rules of court) act the court of appeal (amendment) rules, 200
The Court of Appeal (Amendment) Rules, 2006
attorney-at-law. lloyd barnett 0.j., attorney-at-law. norma linton, q.c. attorney-at-law. charles piper, attorney-at-law. jacqueline samuels-brown, attorney-at-law. the judicature (rules of court) act the court of appeal (amendment) rules, 2006 in
The Legal Profession ( Enrollment and Practising Certificate Fees ( Amendment) Rules, 2010
attorneys-at-law of less than two years? standing $5,000.00 (2) attormeys-at-law of two years? standing but less than five years? standing $8,000.00 (3) attorneys-at-law of five years standing but less than ten years? standing, reckoned in the case of
The Legal Profession Act
attorneys-at-law of less than 5 years? standing 12,000.00 (2) attorneys-at-law of five years? standing but less than fifteen years? standing 24,000.00 (3) attorneys-at-law of fifteen years? standing and over 36,000.00 (4) attorneys-at-law who have retir
The Judicature ( Rules of Court) ( Amendment) Rules, 2016
attorney-at-law jacqueline samuels-brown, q.c. attorney-at-law carol aina attorney-at-law carlene larmond director of litigation attorney general?s chambers althea jarrett director of state proceedings printed by jamaica printing services (1992) l
The Supreme Court (Civil Procedure Rules) (Amendment) (No. 2), 2018
attorney general of jamaica sandra minott-phillips, q.c. attorney-at-law ian wilkinson, q.c. attorney-at-law charles piper, q.c. attorney-at-law althea jarrett director of state proceedings kevin powell attorney-at-law robert fletcher attorney-at-la
The Building Societies Act - Finance and Banking
attor general, and copy sent to record office when certified. effect thereof. building societies by them shall be taken and held, and also the powers and privileges which, in all such mortgages, shall be held and enjoyed by the trustees of such society
The Land Taxation (ReLief) Act
attor- "© ney/overseer, etc.) name of applicant in block [reeeerererenn letters and address to which correspondence concerming this [res+rsesereersnsreraranmericiniinsneronnnes application should be sent. [the inclusion of this page is au
The Patent Act
attorn general. 42/1974 s. 2. patent shall recite the allegations and suggestions of the said petition so to be preferred as aforesaid, and shall therein give a short description of the said invention or discovery or improve- ment; and thereupon shall g
The Rum (Ether Control) Act - Health and Safety
attor- ney-general to take such steps as may be necessary to stop such suit. (2) the governor-general may if he thinks fit after the condemnation of any rum under this act return the whole or any portion of such rum to the owner thereof. 10.?(1) the min