aug. 12, 2015
The Public Health (Class 1 Notifiable Diseases) (Amendment) Order, 2015
aug. 12, 2015 (b) inserting next after item 29 the following as item 30? ?30. zika fever.?. dated this 3rd day of august, 2015. fenton ferguson minister of health. printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke s
The Record Office (Amendment) Rules, 2015
aug. 12, 2015 2. the first schedule to the principal rules is deleted and the following substituted therefor? cc 10. 11. 12. first schedule fees to be paid in the record office services for recording any deed or other writing per legal
The Record Office (Amendment) Rules, 2015
aug. 12, 2015] proclamations, rules and regulations 706s first schedule, contd. fees to be paid in the record office ?services fee 13. for recording ?with expedition? any deed or instrument in addition to the ordinary fees for recording? (a) w
The Record Office (Amendment) Rules, 2015
aug. 12, 2015 2. the first schedule to the principal rules is deleted and the following substituted therefor? cc 10. 11. 12. first schedule fees to be paid in the record office services for recording any deed or other writing per legal
The Record Office (Amendment) Rules, 2015
aug. 12, 2015] proclamations, rules and regulations 706s first schedule, contd. fees to be paid in the record office ?services fee 13. for recording ?with expedition? any deed or instrument in addition to the ordinary fees for recording? (a) w
The Road Traffic (Amendment) Regulations, 2016
aug. 12, 2015 2. the principal regulations are amended by inserting next after regulation 191 the following? measurement of speed 191a.?(1) the equipment that may be used to measure the speed at which a motor vehicle is being driven shall be? (@