august 15
The Wild Life Protection (Hunter's Returns) (Amendment) Regulations, 2001
august 15 ? $10,000.00; failure to comply with the fore- going will result in the denial of a hunters? licence for the subsequent bird shooting season. all returns are either to be made directly to the natural resources conservation authority, 10 caledoni
The Wild Life Protection (Hunters' Licences) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
august 15?$10,000.00. failure to comply with the foregoing will result in the denial of a hunter's licence for the subsequent season. all returns are either to be made directly to the natural resources conversation authority, 10 caledonia avenue, kingston
The Airports Authority (Prescribed Airports) (Taxi Concession) Regulations, 2002
august 15, 2002 the administration, control and management of prescribed airports, pursuant to section 24 of the act; "contract carriage" and "hackney carriage" have the meanings respectively assigned to them by the road traffic act. 3. subject t
The Airports Authority (Prescribed Airports) (Taxi Concession) Regulations, 2002
august 15, 2002] proclamations, rules and regulations 203 (g) to any person operating a vehicle for hire or reward for the transportation of members of airport staff or air crew in the course of their duties. 7. the airports authority (sangster in
Licence - The All Island Evangelistic Crusade Association Limited
august 15, 2002 no. 52a no. 106a the companies act 0 m ja licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that the all island evangelistic crusade association limited which was duly registered on the 10th december, 1980 as a limited liability company
The Income Tax (Approved Charitable Organization) Order, 2002
august 15, 2002 no. 52b no. 1068 i the income tax act (ne order (under section 13(1)(q)) the income tax (approved charitable organization) order, 2002 (made by the minister on the 8th day of august, 2002) in exercise of the power conferred on the
The Stamp Duty (Amendment of Schedule) Order, 2002
august 15, 2002 no. 50a! no. 104a" the following order was confirmed by the house of representatives on tuesday. july 30, 2002. the stamp duty act the stamp duty (amendment of schedule) order, 2002 in exercise of the power conferred on the minist
The Road Traffic ( St. James Parish Council) ( Parking and Parking Metres) Rules, 2005
august 15, 2005 no. 63b no. 98a' the road traffic act the road traffic (st. james parish council) (parking and parking metres) rules, 2005 in exercise of the powers conferred on the st. james parish council by sections 54 and 117 of the road traf
The Road Traffic ( Westmoreland Parish Council) ( Parking and Parking Metres ) Rules, 2005
august 15, 2005 no. 63b no. 98a' the road traffic act the road traffic (st. james parish council) (parking and parking metres) rules, 2005 in exercise of the powers conferred on the st. james parish council by sections 54 and 117 of the road traf
Licence-Jamaica Institute of Environmental Professionals Limited
august 15, 2006 no. 78 no. 155 the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that jamaica institute of environmental professionals limited which was duly registered on the 15th february, 2000, as a limited liability company is form
The Deportation (Nacheca Boveli) Order, 2006
august 15, 2006 no. 78a no. 155a! the aliens act the deportation (nacheca boveli) order, 2006 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 15 (6) (b) of the aliens act, the following order is hereby made: ? 1. this order may b
The Harbours ( Amendment) Rules, 2011
august 15, 2011 : no. 73 no. 113 the harbours act the harbours (amendment) rules, 2011 in exercise of the power conferred on the authority by section 7 of the harbours act and with the approval of the minister, the following rules are hereby made
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Burnt Ground in the Parish of Saint Elizabeth) Order, 2014
august 15, 2012. by their repr . the grounds of objection to the| none n . survey if any. 7 < i x i the grounds of the surver #= | instruction and marks on the ?atnell braham declslon. ground commissioned land surveyor make and no, of instrum
The Caribbean Maritime University Act, 2017 ( Appointed Day) Notice
august 15, 2017 no. 57 no. 128 the caribbean maritime university act (act 10 0f 2017) the caribbean maritime university act, 2017 (appointed day) notice in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 1 of the caribbean maritime univer