august, 2003
The Wild Life (Shooting Season) Order,2003
august, 2003 and ending on the 21st day of september 2003. 3. during the shooting season the following game birds bald-pate (columba leucocephala), white-winged dove (zenaida asiatica), mourning dove (zenaida macroura) and pea dove (zcnaida aurita) may l
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order,2003.
august, 2003; the new pages specified in the third column of that schedule are hereby authorized to be inserted in the revised laws as from the 14th day of august, 2003. first schedule first column second column pages authorized to be removed ac
The SafeGuard Act, 2001 (Appointed Day) Notice
august, 2003, is hereby appointed as the day on which the safeguard act, 2001 shall come into operation: dated this 3 ist day of july, 2003. phillip paulwell, minister of commerce, science and technology. no. 50/3/12
The Transport Authority (Public Passenger Vehicles) (Kingston Metropolitan Transport Region) (Prescribed Fares) Order,2003
august, 2003, be the fares specified in the schedule to this order in respect of the area so specified. 4. the transport authority (public passenger vehicles) (prescribed fares) (no. 2) order, 2001 is amended by? (a deleting the definition of "kk. m.t.r
The Transport Authority (Public Passenger Vehicles) (Kingston Metropolitan Transport Region) (Prescribed Fares) Order,2003
august, 2003. no. 21/237% norton hinds, chairman, transport authority. approved: robert pickersgill, minister of transport and works. printed by jamaica printing services {1992) ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
LICENCE-The International Consortium Of Caribbean Professionals Limited
august, 2003. phillip paulwell, minister of commerce, science and technology. no. 8/8/1169 no. 99 the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that the camperdown trust limited which was duly registered on the 18th march, 1988
Licence-The Camperdown Trust Limited
august, 2003. phillip paulwell, minister of commerce, science and technology. no. 8/8/1169 no. 99 the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that the camperdown trust limited which was duly registered on the 18th march, 1988