august 8, 2000
The Standards Act - Bureau of Standards
august 8, 2000 no. 68 no. 93 the standards act (notice under section 10 (i)) notice is hereby given that the bureau of standards has granted: ? 1. to sherwin-williams (w.i.) limited, a licence no. a1/98-99 to use the standard mark 1 or 2 in connecti
The Deportation (Commonwealth Citizens) (Lisa Burnett) Order, 2000
august 8, 2000 no. 67a no. 97a om hz the deportation (commonwealth citizens) act the deportation (commonwealth citizens) (lisa burnett) order, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred on me under section 3 of the deportation (common- wealth citize
The Immigration Restriction (Commonwealth Citizens) (Undesirable Person) (Nandram Bhola) Order, 2000
august 8, 2000 no. 67 no. 97 _??? == / ( oh fe*- the immigration restriction (commonwealth citizens) act the immigration restriction (commonwealth citizens) (undesirable person) (nandram brora) order, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred upon
The Deportation (David Mann) Order, 2000
august 8, 2000 no. 66a a ?????? ?_?? = ) no. 96a lr fe f the aliens act the deportation (david mann) order, 2000 whereas the resident magistrate in the resident magistrate?s court for the parish of saint james has certified to the minister that the ali
The Deportation (David Mann) Order, 2000
august 8, 2000 ey ee ? ?? ? ? ? ???? 2. david mann, a national of the united states of america, is hereby required to leave and thereafter, remain out of jamaica. dated this 19th day of july, 2000. k. d. knight, minister of national security and jus
The Immigration Restriction (Commonwealth Citizens) (Undesirable Person) (Azir Hack) Order, 2000
august 8, 2000 no. 66 ae vf / [ no. 96 ostet the immigration restriction (commonwealth citizens) act the immigration restriction (commonwealth citizens) (undesirable person) (azir hack) order, 2000 in exercise of the power conferred upon the mini