The Companies Rules, 2006
authentication documents of overseas companies translations 18. any translation of a charter, statutes or articles of a company or any other instrument constituting or defining the constitution of a company to be filed in accordance with section 363 of t
The Broadcasting and Radio Re-Diffusion Act - Communication and Technology
authentica- tion of seal and documents, broadcasting and radio re-diffusion {2) the chairman may at any time resign his office by instru- ment in writing addressed to the governor-general; and such resigna- tion shall take effect as from the date of re
The Coffee Industry Regulation Act - Agriculture
authenti- cation of acts of board. grant of leave of absence to 6/1962 s.7. coffee industry regulation of coffee growers but from among persons who he is satis- fied are actively engaged in the growing of coffee and there- upon the provisions of this
The Human Employment and Resource Training Act - Education
authenti- cation of seal and documents. power to appoint officers and servants. expenses of the trust. accounts, audit and estimates. human employment and resource training first schedule (section 3) the heart trust 1.?{(1) the seal of the trust s
The Interpretation Act - Parliament
authenti. parliament shall immediately after it is so passed be printed sacor? by the government printer on vellum or some durable paper to bills and shall. if such be the case, be authenticated by the clerk of either house of parliament as being a true a
The Jamaica Development Bank Act - Finance and Banking
authenti- cation of seal and documents, procedure and meetings. 4371974 s. 5 (b. remunera- tion of directors. funds of the bank. protection of bank. protection of directors of bank. jamaica development bank 9. (1) the seal of the bank shall be aut
The Jamaica Railway Corporation Act - Transport
authentica- tion of seal and documents. disclosure of interest. procedure and . meetings. 52/1975 s. 3b). jamaica railway corporation 7. (1) the seal of the corporation shall be authenticated by the signatures of the chairman or one member of the co
The Land Development and Utilization - Real Estate
authenticated by the signatures of the chairman or one member of the commission authorized to act in that behalf and an officer of the commission authorized to act by the commission. : (2) all documents, other than those required by law to be under seal,
The National Youth Service Act - Education
authenticated by the signature of the chairman or any other member of the board authorized to act in that behalf or any officer of the [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 3/2001] policy directions, authent- cation of seal and document
The Overseas Examinations Commisions Act - Education
authenticated by the authentica- signature of the chairman or any other member of the commission authorized tion of seal to act in that behalf or the secretary or any other officer of the commission so nds authorized and shall be judicially and officially
The Road Maintenance Fund Act - Courts and Judiciary
authenticated by the signatures of the chairman and the secretary of the board and such seal shall be officially and judicially noticed. 12. there shall be paid to the chairman and other members of the board. such remuneration (whether by way of honorari
The Authentication Act, 2020
authentication of public documents by competent authority in jamaica column i column ii all public documents? for twenty-four hour service $5,000.00 per document for service other than twenty- $3,500.00 per document four hour service
The Jamaica Dairy Development Board Act - Agriculture
authentica- tion of seal and documents. remunera- tion of members. appointment of commit- tees. jamaica dairy development board (5) subject to the provisions of this schedule, the board may regulate its proceedings. (6) the validity of any proceedin
The Workers Savings and Loan Bank Act
authentica- tion of documents, general meetings called by board. 3/1991 s.3(h) 3/1991 s.3c @). ) (ii). exercise of authority conferred thereunder, the director or committee (as the case may be) shall be presumed to be acting within authority so co
The Water Resources Act
authenticated by the signa- tures of the chairman or one member of the authority authorized to act in that behalf, and the secretary of the authority. (2) all documents, other than those required by law to be under seal, made by, and all decisions of, th