bailiff of the court
The Bills of Sale Act - Consumer Protection
bailiff of the court and his deputies, and assistants and other persons seizing any pro- perty or effects comprised in such bill of sale, in the execu- tion of any process of any court of law or equity, authoriz- ing the seizure of the goods of the person
The Recognizances and Sureties of the Peace Act - Courts and Judiciary
bailiff of the court, for the parish of you are hereby required and commanded to levy the sum of $ upon the goods and chattels of of the parish of , and make payment of the moneys so levied to the clerk of the courts for the parish of . and if you canno
The Rent Restriction Act
bailiff of the court to levy the sums abovementioned together with further costs. dated this............ day of ...ccoovviiniiiiinniies 19... chairman: member: member: forrm 5 (rule 8 (b)) order for refund of rent in excess of permitted rent application
The Rent Restriction Act
bailiff of the court to levy the sum abovemen- tioned, together with further costs. chairman: member: member: form 6 [rute 9 (@)) application for review of decision of assessment officer application no..........ceeveiennene in the rent assessment boa