The Post Office (Postal Charges) (Amendment) Order, 2001
bangladesh 60.00 24.00 40.00 40.00 bank of tores island 60.00 24.00 40.00 40.00 barbados 40.00 24.00 40.00 30.00 belgium 45.00 24.00 40.00 30.00 belize 40.00 24.00 40.00 30.00 benin 60.00 24.00 40.00 40.00 bermuda 40.00 24.00 40.00 30.00 bhutan 60.00 24.0
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation And Regulation Act(Amendment Of Schedules) Order,2003.
bangladesh, india and thailand; all other populations are included in the second schedule) prionailurus planiceps prionailurus rubiginosus (only the population of india; all other populations are included in the second schedule) puma concolor cor
The Immigration Restriction (Commonwealth Citizens) (Prohibited Immigrant) (Milon Hawlader) Order, 2007
bangladesh, is hereby declared to be an undesirable visitor to this island. dated this 9th day of august, 2007. peter phillips minister of national security. no. 141¢c the immigration restriction (commonwealth citizens) act the immigration restriction
The Immigration Restriction (Commonwealth Citizens) (Prohibited Immigrant) (Paul Augustus Lester Smith) Order, 2007
bangladesh, is hereby declared to be an undesirable visitor to this island. dated this 9th day of august, 2007. peter phillips minister of national security. no. 141¢c the immigration restriction (commonwealth citizens) act the immigration restriction
The Endangered Species, Conservation and regulation of Trade) Act
bangladesh, india and thailand; all other populations are included in appendix ii) prionailurus planiceps prionailurus rubiginosus (only the population of india; all other populations are included in appendix it) puma concolor coryi puma concolor co
The Post Office ( Postal Charges) ( Amendment) Order, 2010
bangladesh dhaka 180.00 1,100.00 370.00 1,240.00 | 1,600.00 1,860.00 -2,300.00 barbados bridgetown 120.00 780.00 250:00 510.00 | 590.00 690.00 830.00 belarus minsk + 140.00 1,080.00 360.00 1,200.00 | 1,600.00 |- 2,040.00 2,780.
The Endangered Species (Protection, Conservation and Regulation of Trade) Act (Amendment of Schedules) Order, 2015
bangladesh, india and thailand, all other populations are included in the second schedule) prionailurus planiceps prionailurus rubiginosus (only the population of india; all other populations are included in the second schedule) puma concolor coryi pu
The Endangered Species (Protection, etc. Act - Environment
bangladesh, india and thailand, all other populations are included inthe second schedule) prionailurus planiceps prionailurus rubiginosus (only the population of india; all other populations are included in the second schedule) puma concolor coryi pum
The Jamaican Nationality Act - Citizenship and Nationality
bangladesh barbados belize botswana brunei canada cyprus dominica fiji ghana grenada india kenya kiribati lesotho malawi malaysia malta mauritius nauru new zealand papua, new guinea republic of maldives seychelles sierra leone sin