barry street
The Urban Renewal ( Tax Relief) ( Declaration of Special Development Area) ( Downtown Kingston) Order, 2005
barry street and then westerly and northerly along darling street to its intersection with spanish town road and then south-easterly along spanish town road to its intersection with heywood street; easterly along heywood street to its intersection with we
The National Water Commission Act
barry street, kingston, on the west by lands, part of woodstock and jubilee pen, registered at vol, 1148 fol. 30 owned by rupert miller et ux, buff bay p.o. vol. 1174 fol. 454 occupied by vincent ramkesson owned by the ministry of construction, 2 hagley p
The National Water Commission Act
barry street, on the west by the remainder of same lands vol. 357 fol 66 part of charlemont called sterling castle? donald kenneth lindsay (regd. owner) ministry of housing (occupier), on the south by lands owned and occupied by the jamaica railway corpor
The Road Traffic Act
barry street barry street between west street and pechon street duke street, between harbour street and east queen street king street, between harbour street and south parade east queen street, between east parade and highholborn street west queen stre