The Kingdom of Lesotho Act - International Relations
basutoland had been renamed lesotho, but there had been no change in its status. (2) the minister may, by order, make such adapta- tions in any enactment passed before or after the com- mencement of this act, or in any instrument having effect under any
The Kingdom of Lesotho Act - International Relations
basutoland on that date; and any such order may, though made after the commencement of this act, be made so as to have effect from the date of such commencement. (3) every order made under subsection (2) shall be subject to negative resolution. (the
The Pensions (Teachers) Act - Social Security
basutoland bechuanaland protectorate bermuda british guiana british honduras british solomon islands protectorate cayman islands cyprus dominion falkland islands federated malay states ln. federation of malaya 140/1955. l.n. federation of nigeria 140