board of assessment
The Valuation Act - Real Estate
board of assessment?, ?board?, or ?the board?, means the board of assessment established by section 3; ?real property? includes all lands, tenements and heredita- ments, together with all houses and other erections, built into or permanently attached to
The Valuation Act - Real Estate
board of assessment and such board shall have full power to assess the value of any property in respect of which any assessment or counter assessment, as the case may be, has not been accepted and is in dispute. (2) the board for each parish shall be com
The Valuation Act - Real Estate
board of assessment the minister may appoint any person in his place. (6) all questions shall be decided by a majority of votes. the chairman shall have an original vote and a casting vote if the votes be equally divided. (7) the governor-general shall
The Watersheds Protection Act - Environment
board of assessment established under the provisions of the valuation act; ?watershed area? means an area defined and declared to be a watershed area under section 5. [the inclusion of this page is authorized by ln. 90/1993}