board of executive directors of the corporation
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Inter-American Investment Corporation) Order,2003.
board of executive directors of the corporation specifies. the remaining three installments shall be paid on such dates as are determined by the board of executive directors of the corporation but not earlier than december 31, 1985, december 31, 1986, and
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Inter-American Investment Corporation) Order,2003.
board of executive directors of the corporation. section 2. board of governors (a) (b) (©) (d) (e) all the powers of the corporation shall be vested in the board of governors. each governor and alternate governor of the inter-american development b
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Inter-American Investment Corporation) Order,2003.
board of executive directors of the corporation, whenever they could not be adequately represented by directors or alternates of the bank. the board of executive directors of the corporation shall be composed as follows: (1) one executive director shall
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Inter-American Investment Corporation) Order,2003.
board of executive directors of the corporation. he shall preside over meetings of the board of executive directors but without the right to vote except in the event of a tie. he may participate in meetings of the board of governors, but shall not vote at
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Inter-American Investment Corporation) Order,2003.
board of executive directors of the corporation may establish other offices in the territories of any of its member countries by a majority representing at least two-thirds of the votes of the members. section 2. relations with other organizations the c
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Inter-American Investment Corporation) Order,2003.
board of executive directors of the corporation. in case this agreement shall not have entered into force, a later date may be determined by the representatives of the signatory countries of the final act of the negotiations on the creation of the inter-