board of govemors
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Inter-American Investment Corporation) Order,2003.
board of govemors. the corporation shall begin operations on the date when such meeting is held. done at the city of washington, district of columbia, united states of america, in a single original, dated november 19, 1984, whose english, french, portugu
The Caribbean Food Corporation Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
board of govemors, directors, alternates, senjor employees of, and experts performing missions in connection with, the corporation, its subsidiaries or joint enterprises with governments of member countries, where they are not local citizens or nationals,
The Caribbean Food Corporation Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
board of govemors be permitted to become a member of the corporation by accession to this agreement on such terms as the board of governors shall by a two-thirds majority vote of the total number of governors determine. any such country shall deposit, on
The Caribbean Investment Corporation Act - Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
board of govemors may by a vote of not less than fourteen governors suspend from membership for a period not exceeding one year, any member who fails or refuses to fulfil any of its obligations or discharge any of its liabilities under this agreement. the
The Inter-American Development Bank - Finance and Banking
board of govemors, each governor shall te entitled to cast the votes of the member country which he represents. except as otherwise specifically provided in this agreement, all matters before the board of governors shall be decided by a majority of the to
The Inter-American Development Bank - Finance and Banking
board of govemors so decides by a majority of the total voting power of the member countries, including a majority of the total voting power of the regional member countries. (by the executive vice president shall be appointed by the board of executive d