bob marley
The Education (Determination and Classification of Specified Schools)Order, 2013
bob marley st. ann and junior high primary and junior high dated the 25th day of june, 2013. ronald thwaites minister of education. no. g205/037 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (Public Bodies) Order, 2014
bob marley edtax? 288,785.22 ?63,958.31 224,826.91 primary & education oo junior high taxes school . bob marley pa.ye. 0.00 982.23 982.23 primary & junior high school bodles banana edtax? 65,613.56 0.00 65,613.56 breeding station education taxes bog
The Education (Determination of Classification of Specified Schools) (Amendment) Order, 2015
bob marley first all-age june 25, 2013 primary and school junior high 06057 village all-age st. ann village primary | first primary sept. 1, 2011 school 07028 warsop all-age trelawny warsop primary | first primary sept. 1, 2011 school
The Education (Determination of Classification of Specified Schools) (Amendment) Order, 2019
bob marley primary i catadupa primary i farm primary i and infant granville primary ii and infant somerton primary ii and infant dundee primary i and infant williamsfield i primary and infant elderslie primary and infant