british guiana
The Pensions (Public Service) Regulations, 2018, Resolution
british guiana british honduras british solomon islands protectorate « cayman islands cyprus dominica falkland islands federated malay states federation of nigeria federation of malaya federation of rhodesia and nyasaland fiji gambia ghana gibraltar gilbe
The Pensions (Teachers) Act - Social Security
british guiana british honduras british solomon islands protectorate cayman islands cyprus dominion falkland islands federated malay states ln. federation of malaya 140/1955. l.n. federation of nigeria 140/1955. federation of rhodesia and nyasaland fij
The West Indies Act, 1962 - International Relations
british guiana; ?appeals? include appeals by way of cases stated. (5) the windward islands and leeward islands (courts) order in council, 1959, and the windward islands "the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 50/1979] ~~