The Income Tax (Declaration of Exemption) (Government of Jaamaica Lon of EURO 15, 575,287 from Commerzbank AG, Brussels) ) Order, 2006
brussels) order, 2006 whereas by section 12(m) of the income tax act, the minister of finance and planning may, by order published in the gazette, provide that the interest on any loan charged upon the consolidated fund shall, in so far as the minister s
The Income Tax (Declaration of Exemption) (Government of Jaamaica Lon of EURO 15, 575,287 from Commerzbank AG, Brussels) ) Order, 2006
brussels) order, 2006 and shall take effect and come into operation as law on the date hereof. 2. interest payable in connection with the loan to the government of jamaica from commerzbank ag, brussels shall be exempt from income tax. dated the 17th day
The Stamp Duty (Government of Jamaica Loan of EURO 15,575,287 from Commerzbank AG, Brussels) Order, 2006
brussels) order, 2006 and shall take effect and come into operation as law on the date hereof. 2. interest payable in connection with the loan to the government of jamaica from commerzbank ag, brussels shall be exempt from income tax. dated the 17th day
The Post Office ( Postal Charges) ( Amendment) Order, 2010
brussels 140.00 840.00 300.00 820.00 | 1,100.00 1,410.00 2,660.00 belize belize city 120.00 500.00 180.00 460.00 | 970.00 1,490.00 2,700.00 | - benin cotonou 180.00 780.00 260.00 1,140.00 | 1,580.00 1,610.00 2,340.00 bermuda
The Civil Service Establishment ( General ) ( Amendment) Order, 2021
brussels, belgium home based staff : no of offices office classification grade remarks 1 mission accounts officer 3, office manager fmg at 3 post [# 5055] of accounting ? technician 2 (fmg/at 2) retitled and upgraded with effect from april 1,2011. 1
The Income Tax ( Declaration of Exemption) ( Commerzbank AG Brussels E96.292.000.000,00 ) Order,2011
brussels ?96.292.000,00 )yorder, 2011 * whereas by section 12(m) of the income tax act, the minister of finance and the public service may, by order published in the gazette, provide that the interest-on any loan charged upon the consolidated fund shall
The Income Tax ( Declaration of Exemption) ( Commerzbank AG Brussels E96.292.000.000,00 ) Order,2011
brussels ?96.292.000,00) order, 2011 and shall take effect and come into operation as law on the date hereof. 2. interest payable under the loan agreement or upon any other document issued under, or in connection with, the aforesaid agreement, shall be e
The Stamp Duty ( Government of Jamaica Loan of E96.292.000,00 From Commers Bank AG, Brussels)(Remission) Notice , 2011
brussels ?96.292.000,00) order, 2011 and shall take effect and come into operation as law on the date hereof. 2. interest payable under the loan agreement or upon any other document issued under, or in connection with, the aforesaid agreement, shall be e
The Passport Act, 2017
brussels, belgium, with jurisdiction over the french republic, luxemburg, principality of monaco, kingdom of the netherlands, republic of portugal, kingdom of spain to exercise all of the functions that the minister is authorized by that act to exercise i
The Passport Act, 2017
brussels, belgium, with jurisdiction over the french republic, luxemburg, principality of monaco, kingdom of the netherlands, republic of portugal, kingdom of spain to exercise all of the functions that the minister is authorized by that act to exercise i