burke road
The National Water Comission (Water Supply Services) (Rates and Charges) (Amendment) Regulation, 2001
burke road bordering no. 20 burke road owned by a. dawes, thence easterly for a distance of 36m to another point, thence northerly for a distance of 329m to another point, thence south- easterly for a distance of 61m to another point, thence northerly for
The Road Traffic (St. Catherine Parish Council) (Parking and Parking Meters) Rules, 2013
burke road transportation centre whose boundaries and fees for entering are as follows: burke road transport centre boundaries: bound on the north by remaining portion of said land and hilton anderson burke lane and old harbour bound on the south by da
The Road Traffic (St. Catherine Parish Council) (Parking and Parking Meters) Rules, 2013
burke road transportation centre whose boundaries and fees for entering are as follows: burke road transport centre boundaries: bound on the north by remaining portion of said land and hilton anderson burke lane and old harbour bound on the south by da
The National Water Commission Act
burke road thence along the northern] domestic cial/in- boundary of burke road to its intersection with dustrial maxfield avenue thence north-easterly along the) northern boundary of maxfield avenue to its inter- 100% 100% section with hagley park road.
The National Water Commission Act
burke road bordering no. 20 burke road owned by a. dawes, thence easterly for a distance of 36m to another point, thence northerly for a distance of 329m to another point, thencé south-easterly for a distance of 61m to another point, thence northerly for
The Registration of Titles Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarificatio
burke road, thence northerly to the junction of the northem boundary of burke road and the eastern boundary of oxford road thence south-easterly and north-easterly-along the northern boundary of burke road to its junction with the western boundary of barr