c. g. brown
The Land Development and Utilization Commission (Prospect) Idle Land (Revocation) Order, 2000
c. g. brown, director. lorenzo campbell, j.p. chairman, land development and utilization commission. no. au/hé63 primted by jamaica printing services (1902) ltd.. ?government printers), duke st., e6m., jamaica.
The Land Development and Utilisation Commission (Mount Edgecombe) Idle Land Order, 2001
c. g. brown, director franklin mcdonald, chairman, land development and utilization commission. no. au/i 78 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd.. (government printers), duke st.. kgn., jamaica.
The Land Development and Utilization Commission (Lima) Idle Land Order, 2001
c. g. brown, director. franklin mcdonald, chairman, land development and utilization commission. no. au/g55 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke st., kgn., jamaica.
The Land Development and Utilisation Commission (Warwick Castle) Idle Land Order, 2001
c. g. brown, director franklin mcdonald, chairman, land development and utilization commission. no. au/i 124 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke st., kgn., jamaica
The Land Development and Utilization Commission (Skibo) Idle Land Order, 2001
c. g. brown, director franklin mcdonald, chairman, land development and utilization commission. no. au/c 79 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke st.. kgn., jamaica,
The Land Development and Utilization Commission (San San) Idle Land Order, 2001
c. g. brown, director franklin mcdonald, chairman, [and development and utilization commission. no. au/c 77 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke st., kgn., jamaica.
The Land Development and Utilization Commission (Hicks Hall and Ardsheal) Idle Land Order, 2001
c. g. brown, director. franklin mcdonald, chairman, land development and utilization commission. printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke st., kgn., jamaica.
The Land Development and Utilization Commission (Orange Grove) Idle Land (Revocation) Order, 2001
c. g. brown, director franklin mcdonald, chairman, land development and utilization commission. no. au/m 142 . printed by jamaica printing services (1992) lyd,, (government printers), duke st., kon., jamaica. ay
The Land Development and Utilization Commission Pedro Plain and Bull Savannah Idle Land Order, 2001
c. g. brown, director, franklin mcdonald, chairman, land development and utilization commission. no. au/j 125a printed by jamaica printing services (1992) lyd., (government printers), duke st., kgn., jamaica, ~r
The Development and Utilization Commission (Recess) Idle Land Order, 2001
c. g. brown, director, franklin mcdonald, chairman, land development and utilization commission. no. au/m 157 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke st., kgn., jamaica. ?
The Land Development and Utilization Commission Haughton Farm Idle Land Order, 2001
c. g. brown, director. franklin mcdonald, chairman, land development and utilization commission. no. au/ 91 0. ie > the land development and utilization act (act 22 of 1966) the land development and utilization commission haughton farm idle land order
The Land Development and Utilization Commission Haughton Farm Idle Land Order, 2001
c. g. brown, director. franklin mcdonald, chairman, land development and utilization commission. no. au/j 88a printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke st., kgn., jamaica. ?ty
The Land Development and Utilization Commission Orange Grove Idle Land Order, 2001
c. g. brown, director. franklin mcdonald, chairman, land development and utilization commission. no. au/ 91 no. 176 in pd the land development and utilization act (act 22 of 1966) the land development and utilization commission haughton farm idle land
The Land Development and Utilization Commission Roots Farm/Garels Pen Idle Land Order, 2001
c. g. brown, director. franklin mcdonald, chairman, land development and utilization commission. no. 17e the land development and utilization act (act 22 of 1966) development and utilization commission roots farm/garels pen idle land order
The Land Development and Utilization Commission (Crawle) Idle Land (Revocation) Order, 2001
c. g. brown, director. franklin mcdonald, chairman, land development and utilization commission. no. 17d the land development and utilization act vd (act 22 of 1966) the land development and utilization commission (golden grove) idle land (revocation)