The Loans cana., usa and other Specified Countries) Act - Finance and Banking
cancella- tion of debentures, tssue of stock.
The Marriage Act - Family
cancellation of original registers, duplicate original registers and other entries of bigamous marriages. offences tampering with marriage registers. personation of marriage officer. false official certificates or attestations. tampering of marriage offi
The Petroleum (Quality Control) Act
cancellation, the name and particulars of such person be removed from the register; or (b) in the case of suspension, that an appropriate entry be made in the register. (3) where the minister cancels the registration of any person he may fix a time befo
The Stamp Issues (Cancellation) Act - Communication and Technology
cancellation) the stamp issues (cancellation) act [2nd may, 1940.) 1. this act may be cited as the stamp issues (cancella- tion) act. 2. in this act? ?instrument? includes every written or printed document; ?post-letter? means a letter, book, packet o
The Trade Union Act - Companies and Associations
cancellation of certificate when certificate of registration shall be withdrawn or cancelled. procedure and appeals after refusal to register, or after withdrawal or cancellation of certificate notice after refusal to register. or after withdrawal or ca
The Trade Union Act - Companies and Associations
cancellation. 55/1959 s. 4. trade unions its officers in pursuance of this provision against any claim or demand of any person injuriously affected thereby. withdrawal or cancellation of certificate 22. no certificate of registration of a trade union
The Notaries Public Act
cancellation of bonds and debentures instructions perusing trust deed or other security document checking tallies for use in the draw, per 100 attending the drawing and issuing the certificate setting out the numbers drawn? for the first 100 for every