The Food and Drugs ( Amendment) Regulation, 2010
candicidin carbenicillin carfecillin cefaclor cefadroxil cefamandole cephalosporine cefepine hydrochloride cefotaxime cefopodoxime cefoxitin cefprozil ceftriaxone cefuroxime and its salts cephalexin cephaloridine cephalothin cephapirin cephazolin ch
The Representation of the People (Amendment of Second Schedule) Regulations, 2015
candidate's consent to nomination le eee eee esas nominated in the foregoing nomination paper consent to the nomination to serve as a member of the house of representatives of jamaica for the constituency of ........... eee ehh caesar and name the follow
The Representation of the People (Amendment of Second Schedule) Regulations, 2015
candidate's declaration/statement of qualification ly eee , solemnly declare that-- (@) lama jamaican citizen (tick as appropriate): yes [j] by birth dateof birth __ /~ 7 place of birth cl yes [1 by naturalization date citizenship granted / day month year
The Election Campaign Financing Regulations, 2017
candidate) from the [consolidated fund] for the reimbursement of election expenses incurred during the campaign period commencing on the day of and ending on the day of , 20 signature of candidate dated the 22nd day of march, 2017. the electoral c
10 of 2016 - The Representation of the People (Amendment) Act
candidate may, by notice in writing to the commission, elect not to receive moneys from the fund in respect of expenses he incurred during the campaign period. (6) insubsection (3), ?political ombudsman? means the political ombudsman appointed under sect
10 of 2016 - The Representation of the People (Amendment) Act
candidate ~ from the date of endorsement by a political party independent candidate - from the date candidacy was announced or candidate nominated as independent (whichever is the sooner) donation/contribution - within the meaning of the act. for each d
10 of 2016 - The Representation of the People (Amendment) Act
candidates shall lodge a candidate return, which may be a ?nil? return if no expenses were incurred in relation to the election. tor each category of electoral expenditure (listed below) disclose the total amount incurred on goods and services provided d
10 of 2016 - The Representation of the People (Amendment) Act
candidate complete sections 1 & 2 rental of or use of premises particulars of premises if no expenditure on premises rental was paid equate a period for which hired amount paid | total reasons for monetary value for use use
The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation Act
candidate for election to the council of the kingston and st. andrew corporation for the electoral division of............... rereenenes rrveaterans and name as my address for the serving of process and papers address...... eee eee ates eet phere e rae e
The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation Act
candi- dates remarks (@) if sworn insert ?sworn?, if refused insert ?refused to be sworn?. (b) when ballot put into ballot box insert ?voted?. the council of the kingston and st. andrew corporation (general
The Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation Act
candidate?s outdoor agent at a polling station electoral division of.....ccoveevunienn crereraerreseans eeseen ceberrennes cereeatetnacnresatnertns - to the presiding officer: polling station no......... eater te rureraesarestorares for the pending ele
The Representation of the People Act
candidates duty on election day polling station rental polling station cleaning handymen temporary clerks duty on election day column 3 $ 800.00 $ 800.00 $10,000.00 $12,000.00 $ 1,800.00 per polling station $1, 000.00 $12,000.00 $14,000.00
The Food and Drugs Act
candicidin monifloxacin carbenicillin moxifloxacin carfecillin mupirocin calcium cefaclor cefadroxil neomycin cefamandole cephalosporine nicarbazin cefepine hydrochloride norfloxacin cefotaxime novobiocin cefopodoxime nystatin, except topical cefoxitin pr