canon viii
The Legal Profession (Canons of Professional Ethics) (Amendment) Rules, 2014
canon viii of the principal rules is amended in paragraph (d) by inserting next after the figure ?i(b)? the figure ?, (g)?. dated this 2nd day of july, 2014. b. st. michael hylton chairman general legal council. printed by jamaica printing services (
The Legal Profession (Annual Declaration of Activities) Regulations, 2014
canon viii(d) of the legal profession (canons of professional ethics) rules. {l/ b. st. michael hylton chairman, general legal council approved: va: aa mark golding minister of justice. dated this 1st day of july, 2014. printed by jamaica printing
The Legal Profession ( Canons of Professional Ethics) ( Amendment) Rules, 2016
canon viii (d) of the principal rules is hereby amended by deleting the number, symbols and letters 11(a), (b), (e), (), (g), (h), (j) and (k) where they appear therein and substituting therefor the following: 11 (a), (b), (d), (e), (), (2), (h), (1), (k