caracas avenue
The Jamaica Export Free Zones (Kingston Transshipment Port Export Free Zone) (Amendment) Order, 2014
caracas avenue, then north-westerly along the southern boundary of caracas avenue for a distance of one hundred and fifty-eight metres and three hundred and forty-five thousandths of a metre to the intersection with unido boulevard, then south-westerly al
The Jamaica Export Free Zones (Kingston Transshipment Port Export Free Zone) (Amendment) Order, 2014
caracas avenue, then north-westerly along the southern boundary of caracas avenue for a distance of one hundred and fifty-eight metres and three hundred and forty-five thousandths of a metre to the intersection with unido boulevard, then south-westerly al
The Special Economic Zone (Kingston Freezone Co. Limited) Order, 2018
caracas avenue, which separates the kingston free zone property from the kingston container terminal property and proceeding north-westerly along that chain-link fence for a distance of 157.247 metres to the intersection with the eastern side of unido bou