carbarita point
The Fishing Industry( Three Bay Fish Sanctuary Order, 2009
carbarita point, with geographical coordinates 17° 50" 43.753" n and 77° 02? 21.237" w; and {c) from point c, the boundary shall follow the contours of the coastline, to include walker bay, coquar bay and manatee bay, back to the starting point.
The Fishing Industry( Galleon Harbour Fish Sanctuary Order, 2009
carbarita point with geographical coordinates 17° 50" 43.753" n and 77° 02' 21.231" w, and then proceeding as follows?- (a) (b) (©) (d) (e) ® (2) (h) from point a, the boundary shall run through the mangrove wet land, following the north-western
The Fishing Industry Act
carbarita point with geographical coordinates 17° 50' 43 753"n and 77°02" 21.231" w, and then proceeding as follows? (a) from point a, the boundary shall run through the mangrove wet land, following the north- westem border of the reef to point b, a wate
The Fishing Industry Act
carbarita point, with geographical coordinates 17° 50' 43.753" n and 77° 02'21.237" w, and (c} from point c, the boundary shall follow the contours of the coastline to include walker bay, coquar bay and manatee bay, back to the starting point. {the i