castle forest reserve
The Forest Act (Cacoon Castle Forest Reserve Area) Notice, 2014
castle forest reserve area) notice, 2014 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by section 5(a) of the forest act, and of every other power hereunto enabling, the following notice is hereby given, [on the recommendation of the forestry dep
The Forest Act (Cacoon Castle Forest Reserve Area) Notice, 2014
castle forest reserve block a all that parcel of land part of cacoon castle land settlement and numbered as lot 190 of cacoon castle sub-division plant, situated in the parish of hanover and containing 191.4 acres or 77.49 hectares more or less and butt
The Forest ( Cacoon Castle Forest Reserve ) Order Resolution, 2016
castle forest reserve) order, 2016, be affirmed: now, therefore, be it resolved by the house of representatives as follows: ? i. this resolution may be cited as the forest (cacoon castle forest reserve) order resolution, 2016. 2. the forest (cacoon cas
The Forest ( Cacoon Castle Forest Reserve ) Order Resolution, 2016
castle forest reserve the forest reserve to be known as cacoon castle forest reserve is described as follows? block a all that parcel of land part of cacoon castle subdivision plan and numbered as lot 190 of cacoon castle subdivision plan situated in t
The Forest ( Cacoon Castle Forest Reserve ) Order Resolution, 2016
castle forest reserve (blocks a, b, g and f) map a i yx fn \& es /7 part of new m| z sa | ss 7 p? _apart of new mins john hutchinson | oo | cacoonfcastle land settlement from old pen cacoon castle i land settlem&nt 0 pe) . part of cont
The Forest ( Cacoon Castle Forest Reserve ) Order Resolution, 2016
castle forest reserve (blocks c, d, and e) map b part of new milns plantain walk john hutchinson loti baxter na, part"of friends hip 280 ?a, io az 6° ses s ny po ny ws be 5 sr wi y 0 p@® part of friends hip el wo block e
The Forest ( York Castle) ( Forest Reserve ) Notice, 2016
castle forest reserve) notice, 2016. 2. the area specified in part | of the schedule, which is delineated on the map set out in part ii thereof, is hereby declared to be a forest reserve and shall be known as the york castle forest reserve. |<
The Forest ( York Castle) ( Forest Reserve ) Notice, 2016
castle forest reserve all that parcel of crown land situated in the parish of st. ann and shown as lot number 81 of the york castle land settlement plan and registered in the register book of titles at volume 958 and folio 272 and containing by survey 54
The Forest ( York Castle) ( Forest Reserve ) Notice, 2016
castle forest reserve stephney- york castle john's vale forest reserve align cormst wiitred willams james laws york castle (20.10 ha) stephney-john's valeforest reserve n york castle 0 su 160 320 meters { 1 l . ! : . +
The Forest ( Cacoon Castle Forest Reserve ) Order, Resolution 2016
castle forest reserve) order, 2016, be affirmed: now, therefore, be it resolved by the house of representatives as follows:? (a) this resolution may be cited as the forest (cacoon castle forest reserve) order resolution, 2016. (b) the forest (cacoon ca
The Forest ( Cacoon Castle Forest Reserve ) Order Resolution, 2016
castle forest reserve) order, 2016, be affirmed: now, therefore, be it resolved by the senate as follows:? (@ this resolution may be cited as the forest (cacoon castle forest reserve) order resolution, 2016. (b) the forest (cacoon castle forest reserve
The Forest ( Cacoon Castle Forest Reserve ) Order Resolution, 2016
castle forest reserve the forest reserve to be known as cacoon castle forest reserve is described as follows: block a all that parcel of land part of cacoon castic sub division plan and numbered as lot 190 of cacoon castle sub division plan situated in
The Forest ( Cacoon Castle Forest Reserve ) Order Resolution, 2016
castle forest reserve (blocks c, d and fe) l?/ part of new milas | plantain walk _ john hutchinson reiland lotti barter bowan paral friends hip 280 2 ; cal 282 sr, 52% tf we 283 [i0p cose a3 ch 2 block f 84 - ?5 l 218 or ot 4 281 287 25 we 211 © 4
The Forest ( Cacoon Castle Forest Reserve ) Order Resolution, 2016
castle forest reserve (blocks h and 1) l ~ \z cacoon casts knovm' as a p 14 oid pén bb] 1 sd . / = no ia 57 ms ror ae naw miles town » cacoon castle a scale 1:7,000 (blocks h & 1) \ date: april 2013 hanover dated this 8th day of