cayman islands
The Income Tax (Declaration of Exemption) (Government of Jamaica US$ 225,000,000 12.75% Notes Due 2007) Order, 2000
cayman islands, bermuda and panama. "us$" means the lawful currency of the united states of america. "uss note issue" means the notes issued by the government of jamaica described in an offering memorandum dated the 25th day of august, 2000. (3) with r
The Loans (Canada, United States of America and Other Specified Countries) (Government of Jamaica US$225,000,000.00 12.75% Notes Due 2007) Declaration Order, 2000
cayman islands, bermuda and panama. "us$" means the lawful currency of the united states of america. "us$ note issue" means the notes issued by the government of jamaica described in an offering memorandum dated the 25th day of august, 2000. (3) with r
The Income Tax (Declaration of Exemption) (Government of Jamaica US$ 250,000,000 11.625% Notes Due 2022) Order, 2001
cayman islands, and this direction shall take effect and come into operation as law on the date hereof. dated the 19th day of december, 2001. omar davies, minister of finance and: planning. no. 285/309 no. 196 the income tax act the income tax (decla
The Loans (Canada, United States of America and Other Specified Countries) (Government of Jamaica US$250,000,000.00 11.625% Notes Due 2022) Directions, 2001
cayman islands. ?us$? means the lawful currency of the united states of america. ?us$ note issue? means the notes issued by the government of jamaica described in its prospectus dated the 13th day of december, 2001. 3. with respect to the us$ note issu
The Loans (Canada, United States of America and Other Specified Countries) (Government of Jamaica US$250,000,000.00 11.625% Notes Due 2022) Directions, 2001
cayman islands, and this direction shall take effect and come into operation as law on the date hereof. dated the 19th day of december, 2001. omar davies, minister of finance and: planning. no. 285/309 no. 196 the income tax act the income tax (decla
The Loans (Canada, United States of America and Other Specified Countries) (Government of Jamaica US$250,000,000.00 11.625% Notes Due 2022) (Declaration) Order, 2001
cayman islands. ?us$? means the lawful currency of the united states of america. ?us$ note issue? means the notes issued by the government of jamaica described in its prospectus dated the 13th day of december, 2001. 3. with respect to the us$ note issu
The Loan (Government of Jamaica US$250,000,000.00 11.625% Notes Due 2022) Directions, 2001
cayman islands, and this direction shall take effect and come into operation as law on the date hereof. dated the 19th day of december, 2001. omar davies, minister of finance and planning. no. 285/309
The Income Tax Act (Declaration of Exemption) (Government of Jamaica US$125,000,000.00 11.75% Notes due 2011) Order, 2001
cayman islands, and this direction shall take effect on the date hereof. dated the 30th day of may, 2001. omar davies, minister of finance and planning. no. 591 / pf the income tax act \, he income tax act (declaration of exemption) (government of jam
The Loans (Canada, United States of America and other Specified Countries) (Government of Jamaica US$125,000,000.00 11.75% Notes due 2011) Directions, 2001
cayman islands, and this direction shall take effect on the date hereof. dated the 30th day of may, 2001. omar davies, minister of finance and planning. no. 59h no) ? the loans act, 1964 << the loans (government of jamaica us$125,000,000.00 11.75% no
The Loans (Canada, United States of America and other Specified Countries) (Government of Jamaica US$125,000,000.00 11.75% Notes due 2011) Directions, 2001
cayman islands, and this direction shall take effect on the date hereof. dated the 30th day of may, 2001. omar davies, minister of finance and planning. no. 591 / i the income tax act \ he income tax act (declaration of exemption) (government of jamai
The Loans (Canada, United States of America and Other Specified Countries) (Government of Jamaica US$125,000,000.00 11.75% Notes due 2011) Declaration Order, 2001
cayman islands, and this direction shall take effect on the date hereof. dated the 30th day of may, 2001. omar davies, minister of finance and planning. no. 59h ? the loans act, 1964 <5 p na the loans (government of jamaica us$125,000,000.00 11.75% no
The Income Tax Act (Declaration of Exemption) (Government of Jamaica US$275,000,000.00 11.75% Notes due 2011) Order, 2001
cayman islands, and this direction shall take effect on the date hereof. dated the 10th day of may, 2001. omar davies, minister of finance and planning. no. 55g ? the income tax act the income tax act (declaration of exemption) (government of jamaica
The Loans (Government of Jamaica US$275,000,000.00 11.75% Notes due 2011) Directions, 2001
cayman islands, and this direction shall take effect on the date hereof. dated the 10th day of may, 2001. omar davies, minister of finance and planning. no. 55f the loans (canada, united states of america and other spegifted countries) act ot the loa
The Loans (Canada, United States of America and Other Specified Countries) (Government of Jamaica US$275,000,000.00 11.75% Notes due 2011) Declaration Order, 2001
cayman islands, and this direction shall take effect on the date hereof. dated the 10th day of may, 2001. omar davies, minister of finance and planning. no. 55f the loans (canada, united states of america and other spegihed countries) act an the loan