central conference
The Constables (Special) Act - Defence and National Security
central conferences and a central committee as provided in that schedule. (2) no representations shall be made by the associa- tion in relation to any question of discipline, promotion, transfer, leave or any other matter, unless some question of princip
The Constables (Special) Act - Defence and National Security
central conference or central committee. (2) a person who is a member of the force shall not without the consent in writing of the commissioner publish or communicate to any person other than the minister or a member of the force any information (however
The Constables (Special) Act - Defence and National Security
central conferences and a central committee as is hereinafter provided. 2.?(1) the members of the force below the rank of special inspector stationed in any police division shall form a branch of the association. (2) the special inspectors of the force
The Constables (Special) Act - Defence and National Security
central conference as hereinafter provided. 11. subject as aforesaid, the three branch boards in any division or any two of them may by agreement sit together as one board either for any special purpose or regularly for purposes of common interest. 12.
The Constables (Special) Act - Defence and National Security
central conference or the central committee may submit representations in writing to the commissioner of police and to the minister and shall consider and report upon any matters referred to them by the commissioner of police or the minister and a copy of