cerebro spinal fluid no
The National Health Services ( Fees) ( Amendment) Regulation ,2009
cerebro spinal fluid no charge $550.00 (csf) swabs no charge $550.00 urine no charge $550.00 urine culture and no charge $900.00 analysis sputum no charge $900.00 clot culture no charge $900.00 other no charge $900.00 faeces parasitology no charge $240.00
The National Health Services ( Fees) ( Amendment) Regulation ,2009
cerebro spinal fluid no charge $256.00 (csf) - cell count and differential, complete blood count no charge $360.00 (cbc) haemoglobin, white blood cell differential, packed cell volume coombs test direct no charge $300.00 indirect no charge $360.00 erythro