The Jamaica Racing Commission Act
ceres eees rb eena ash sha rees rebbe dsb rs ssr sre she seberb br srr hereby refer to the jamaica racing (delegatee) commission the appeal of (name and address of appellant). notice of appeal of which a copy is attached, was received by (delegatee) on
The Petroleum (Quality Control) Act
ceresennsresasernsiany vecesssssrrenanse veaese telephone number: .....coovivvvecninenes rerenen a, reerrresiesenes err hereeereneanene fax number: .......ccevvvnnnne eeratiearestanes bessieesinerserennanaens ceveeseneereens torrrerenans rereesrens ee ty
The Registration (Births and Deaths) Act
ceres enea ae aiserice parish of. nore.?the undertaker, or person in charge of the funeral must deliver this certificate to the minister or other person officiating at the burial of the dead body?and to no other person. (see the registration (births
The Registration of Business Names Act
ceres esas r tet ceases ar see signatures tlt sss a tet t ara t tases reat ane sees s air ears e reeset tat teeta for instructions as to signing, etc., see note on back. note?this statement must be signed in the case of an individual applying for reg