The Housing Scheme part of Bushy Park, St. Catherine (Housing Area) Order, 2000
charlemont now called bushy park in the parish of st. catherine and butting northerly on the jamaica railway corporation, butting north-casterly on main road leading from sterling castle to linstead?ewarton main road, butting easterly on lands in the poss
The Housing Scheme part of Rosemont, St. Catherine (Housing Area) Order, 2000
charlemont now called bushy park in the parish of st. catherine and butting northerly on the jamaica railway corporation, butting north-casterly on main road leading from sterling castle to linstead-?-ewarton main road, butting easterly on lands in the po
The Jamaica Export Free Zones (Lanco Industries Limited) Order, 2006
charlemont pen, in the parish of st. catherine, registered at volume 1359, folio 871 and commencing at a point located 16.55 metres from the southern boundary and 36.20 metres along the said southern boundary from the point where 1t intersects
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (Public Bodies) Order, 2014
charlemont high paye. 1,633,922.84 19,903,090.72 21,537,013.56 school charlemont high edtax? 851.58 0.00 851.58 school canteen education taxes : charlemont high paye. 1,316.58 9,039.41 10,355.99 school canteen charlemont high paye. 18,834.21 1,149,117.85
The Toll Roads - The Highway 2000 (North-South Link) Toll (Amendment) (No.2), Order 2015
charlemont farm road overpass; (i) the management centre underpass; (ii) the treadways main road overpass; (iv) the windalco haul road underpass; (v) the windalco haul road overpass; (vi) the faiths pen parochial road overpass; and (vii) the windalco/high
The Forest ( Cambridge 2 ) Order Resolution, 2016
charlemont (volume 111 folio 61); easterly: on lot 142 registered at land valuation number 13603003152 and lot ?141 registered at volume 1234 folio 659; southerly: on lot 14 with land valuation number 13603003 14, lot 140 with land valuation number 1360
The Forest ( Cambridge 2 ) ( Forest Reserve ) Notice, 2016
charlemont (volume 111 folio 61); easterly: on lot 142 registered at land valuation number 13603003152 and lot 141 registered at volume 1234 folio 659; southerly: on lot 14 with land valuation number 1360300314, lot 140 with land valuation number 136030
The Special Economic Zone (Lanco Industries Limited-Part of Charlemont and Sterling Castle) Order, 2019
charlemont and sterling castle) order, 2019 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by section 18(1) (designation of special economic zone), section 22 (minister?s approval required) and section 27 (duration of master- concession and licenc
The Special Economic Zone (Lanco Industries Limited-Part of Charlemont and Sterling Castle) Order, 2019
charlemont to linstead parochial road to the charlemont mud stacks, thence in a south-westerly direction along a chain-link fence for a distance of 10.86m and bordered to the south-east by the said reserved road, thence continuing in a south-westerly dire
The Toll Roads Act - Transport
charlemont farm road overpass at 1.439 kilometres ; (¢) the management centre underpass at 2.518 kilometres; (d) the treadways main road overpass at 3.723 kilometres; (e) the windalco haul road underpass at 11.697 kilometres; (f) the windaico haul roa
The National Water Commission Act
charlemont housing development all that parcel of land known as part of charlemont called sterling castle now known as charlemont registered at vol. 357 fol. 66 in the parish of st. catherine and being the land bounded on the north by the byndloss ?gully
The Toll Roads Act
charlemont farm road overpass; (ii) the manangement centre underpass; (iii) the treadways main road overpass; (iv) the windalco haul road underpass; v) the windalco haul road overpass; (vi) the faiths pen parochial road overpass; and (vii) the windalco/hi