chronological table
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order, 2001
chronological table to the revised laws referred to in the first column of the second schedule? (a) the pages specified in the second column of that schedule are hereby authorized to be removed from the revised laws as from the 30th january, 2001; (b) t
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order, 2001
chronological table pages authorized to be removed (inclusive) xvih-xviii, xxxvii-xxxvii, xxxix-xl, xli-xlii, lvii-lviii, lxvii-lxviii, lxxvi-lxxvii, lxxix-lxxx, xchi-xclv, xcvii-xcviii, xcix-c, cx1-cxii, cxii-cx1v, cxv-cxvi, cxxxi-cxxxiv, cxlv-cxlvi, c
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order, 2001
chronological table, contd. second schedule, contd. second column pages authorized to be removed (inclusive) cccxih-cccxi1v, cccxv-cccxvi, cccxvii-cccxvii, cccxix-cccxx, cccxxv-cccxxvi, cccxxvii- cccxxvih, cccxxix-cccxxx, cccxxxi dated this 16th day
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order, 2002
chronological table to the revised laws referred to in the first column of the second schedule? (a) the pages specified in the second column of that schedule are hereby authorized to be removed from the revised laws as from the 3rd day of october, 2002;
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order, 2002
chronological table second schedule second column pages authorized to be removed (inclusive) cix-cx clv-clvi, clvii-clvi]i, ccxxxix-ccxl, cclxxxv- cclxxxvi, ccxcv-ccxcvi, cccv-cccv], cccxxv-cccxxvi, cccxxix-cccxxx, cccxxxin- cccxxxiv dated this 10
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order,2003.
chronological table to the revised laws referred to in the first column f the second schedule? (@) ©) the pages specified in the second column of that schedule are hereby authorized to be removed from the revised laws as from the 14th day of august, 20
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order,2003.
chronological table dated this 22nd dav of julv. 2003. first schedule, contd. second column pages authorized to be removed (inclusive) 11-12 7-8,21-22,25-26, 35-36,41-42 1-2,3-4,5-6,7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 19-20,21-22,23-24 3-4,41-42, 43-44
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order,2004.
chronological table to the revised laws referred to in the first column of the second schedule? (a) the pages specified in the second column of that schedule are hereby authorized to be removed from the revised laws as from the 9th day of september, 2004
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order, 2006
chronological table to the revised laws referred to in the first column of the second schedule? (a) the pages specified in the second column of that schedule are hereby authorized to be oved from the revised laws as from the 30th day of october, 2006; (
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order, 2006
chronological table dated this 25th day of september, 2006. no. lrc/p? second column pages authorized to be removed (inclusive) xlix-l, lix-1l.x lxxxix-xc cxlv-cxlv], cxlvi-cxlvii, cxlix-cl, ccxv-ccxvi, cclxi-cclxii, cclxvii-cclx vii], cclxix-cclx
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order, 2006
chronological table dated this 25th day of september, 2006. no. lrc/p? second column pages authorized to be removed (inclusive) xlix-l, lix-1l.x exxxix-xc cxlv-cxlvi, cxlvi-cxlviii, cxlix-cl, ccxv-ccxv], cclxi-cclx1i, cclxvii-cclxvii, cclxix-cclxx
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order, 2008
chronological table to the revised laws referred to in the first column of the second schedule? (a) the pages specified in the second column of that schedule are hereby authorized to be removed from the revised laws as from the 27th day of june, 2008; (
The Law Revision( Authorized Pages) Order, 2010
chronological table to the revised laws referred to in the first column of the second schedule? (a) the pages specified in the second column of that schedule are hereby autherized to be removed from the revised laws as from the 25th day of february, 2010;
The Law Revision( Authorized Pages) Order, 2011
chronological table to the revised laws referred to in the first column of the second schedule? (a) the pages specified in the second column of that-schedule are hereby authorized tobe removed from the revised laws as from the 10th day of october, 2011;
The Law Revision (Authorized Pages) Order, 2019
chronological table to the revised laws referred to in the first column of the second schedule? (a) the pages specified in the second column of the schedule are hereby authorized to be removed from the revised laws as from the 30th day of june, 2019; (b