The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places for Holding Thereof) (Amendment) Order, 2000
circuit courts) (times and places for the holding thereof) (amendment) order, 2000 in exercise of the powers conferred on the chief justice by subsection (1) of section 31 of the judicature (supreme court) act, the following order is hereby made: ? 1. t
The Judicature (Circuit Court) (Times and Places for the Holding Thereof) Order, 2000
circuit court for kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates of commencement of circuit courts courts hilary term | easter term | michaelmas term kingston . (home circuit) january 8 april 18 september
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places for the Holding Thereof) Order, 2001
circuit court of kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates for commencement of circuit courts courts hilary term easter term michaelmas term kingston january
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places for Holding Thereof) Order, 2002
circuit court for kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates-of commencement of circuit courts courts hilary term easter term michaelmas term kingston (ho
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places For The Holding Thereof) (Amendment) Order,2003
circuit court for kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates of commencement of circuit courts courts | hizary term easter term | michaelmas term | kingst (home circuit january 7 april 14 september 16 sa
The Gun Court (Appointment Of Place Of Sitting) Order,2003.
circutt courts hilary term easter term michaelmas term january 7-april 2 april 14-july 30 september 16-december 20 kingston: the circuit court for kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates of commen
The Gun Court (Appointment Of Place Of Sitting) Order,2003.
circuit courts, contd. courts hilary term easter term michaelmas term portland march 8 june 28 november 15 (port antonio) st. thomas january 7 july 19 december 6 (morant bay) remanets march 22-april 2 july 19-30 december 6-20 (st. james) *vacation 1st a
The Gun Court (Appointment of Place of Sitting) Order, 2004
circuit court of kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates of commencement of circuit courts courts hu.ary term easter term | michaelmas term kingston (home c
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places For The Holding Thereof) (Amendment) Order,2004.
circuit court kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates of commencement of circuit courts courts hilary term easter term michaelmas term kingston
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places For The Holding Thereof) (Amendment) Order,2004.
circuit court home circuit: the chief justice's court, courts ii [ii and viii will be in session each week throughout the term kingston january 7 march 18 st. catherine january 7 march 18 clarendon january
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places For The Holding Thereof) (Amendment) Order,2004.
circuit court home circuit: the chief justice's court, courts ii, iiiand viii will be in session each week throughout the term kingston march 30 july 29 st. catherine march 30 july 29 clarendon march 30 ju
The Judicature (Circuit Courts) (Times and Places For The Holding Thereof) (Amendment) Order,2004.
circuit court week throughout the term home circuit: the chief justice's court, courts ii, iii and viii will be in session each kingston september 16 december 20 st. catherine september 16 december 20 cl
The Education Act ( Under Section 13)
circle, kingston 4, within two (2) months from the date of this publication. draft scheme of the mico university college citation. 1. this scheme may be cited as the mico university college scheme, 2005. interpre- 2. in this scheme? tation. ) ) ?academi
The Judicature ( Circuit Courts) ( Times and Places For The Holding Thereof) Order, 2005
circuit court for kingston and st. andrew will sit in separate divisions from day to day during each term. dates for commencement of circuit courts courts hilary term easter term |michaelmas term ki
Instrument of Delegation of Certain Functions of The Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Commission
circle, kingston 4, deputy financial secretary?taxation; annaliesa lindsay of 2 oxford road, 2nd floor, ncb towers, kingston 5, attorney-at-law; stacia pinnock of 12 ocean boulevard, attomey-at-law; charles randle of moneague p.o. st. ann, retired; and de